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About Hrii

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  1. Hello all, I've never bothered to hire a server ever before, so sorry for the noob questions. If I was to Hire/Buy a server am I able to change properties in game, e.g. can I change how skills were prior to 7.0v?
  2. I would like to voice that the skills need to be reverted, its blocking players from enjoying the game, majority of the popular survival games have never had in game mechanics to block soloers and small groups. Hell, even in Ark a solo player could unlock majority of things, able to build all their basics and still get advanced skills, able to survive comfortably. This style of skill system blocks people from being able to use a fun "build", cant even get a full skill tree maxed without effing your skills up.... yeah sure, I can build a gally, but I cant make basic metal tools cause I dont have enough points. If you disagree, then please provide why you think the current system should stay, not just say get good and your not ment to know everything, you still cant learn everything from the old style, but at least you could enjoy the game.
  3. Just want to make it clear cause Im being PM'ed with hate msgs saying its EA, I know its EA! Hence why I said we tested this, it doesnt work, time to roll back. This style of skill system blocks people from being able to use a fun "build", cant even get a full skill tree maxed without effing your skills up.... yeah sure, I can build a gally, but I cant make basic metal tools cause I dont have enough points. Someone also mentioned these style of games are ment to be hard solo, however majority of the popular survival games have never had in game mechanics to block soloers and small groups. Hell, even in Ark a solo player could unlock majority of things, able to build all their basics and still get advanced skills, able to survive comfortably. How are we able to get skills to test to submit bug reports if we cant get to them.
  4. Alrighty, we've tested the new skill update, it sucks... time to change it back!
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