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Everything posted by mndfreeze

  1. You can guess all you want but you'd be wrong, and not all temperate islands are easy peasy. If we get over run by lions and wolves then die and they start camping your corpse you run and agro them naked and train them FAR AWAY with the expectation to die again, then get your corpse after you die that time. You only need to train them to the nearest prey item but if there are none around like some islands then you only need to train them far enough away that when you respawn again running to your body won't be close enough to re-agro them.
  2. The patch to allow people to change their flags has gone in, but the SECOND patch to enable it is not live yet. This is to give companies time to change heir flags to the settings they want otherwise people who don't log in immediately after the first patch dropped would get screwed by people going around and mass building on their islands to do sneaky things like have a sneak attack point and such. The next patch is supposed to be the one that enables those features to turn on but with the delays we had on the first it might still be a few days before it happens. Unclear at this point.
  3. I got off work this morning and as soon as I hopped on I found out a 100+ person strong chinese zerg had loaded into our server. Server pop: 177. The rubberbanding was insanely bad. This is at about 6:30am MST btw so even though we have a fairly decent sized guild all our allies are vassels and small groups on the island. We only had about 10 people total for the entire island defense. They managed to massively destroy one ally members fleet sitting off shore. They stayed out of mortar range. We manned a heavily armed brig with a few staying behind on land as they dropped about 25 people on shore capping flags. Then the server decided it was time to rehome some people since it was over subscribed. Instead of picking any number of the 100+ invaders, it picked all our guys on our only boat in the water. Thanks grapeshot! Makes total sense to teleport the besieged underdog, especially their entire ship, versus the massive zerg that is flooding the server. ... After about 3 hours we held em off, no long term claims were taken. Our base suffered almost no damage and we lost no ships. Our ally took heavy damage but nothing that can't be easily replaced. The lag was insanely bad and the second they called off the attack, even before they left the server, the lag got mysteriously twice as good...so strange. Big thanks to allies on nearby islands and servers who came in to help out.
  4. It's been stated a 100 times now that there are going to be ways to avoid perm loss (so you have a CHOICE) and you can save/load your character look. Just because its bugged now doesn't mean it won't be fixed by whatever time this stuff starts getting implemented. The fact that choices will be there means its up to you if you want that specific feature of the game to 'ruin' it for you or not. It's not forced. Forced would be no Fountain, no breeding, just death and reroll.
  5. lol I was never arguing against in the first place. I was just backing up your post with more information Hopefully they get the technical stuff and bugs handled because that shit was the death of life is feudal which when in the right group of dudes was an amazing idea and game, even with its insane grind.
  6. It's not forced though. You can join the game solo and never join a guild. With this latest patch you can build on peoples claims that allow it and pay taxes. You can get land on lawless and have no claims at all to worry about. There is even still claim land available in the tundra and polar regions but going will be super tough if you do (but is doable as people post about it here and on reddit). There have already been a ton of huuugge changes made to appease the solo player and I imagine more will come over time but you can't expect them to alter the entire game design to the opposite of what their design goals were just because some people choose not to play how they intended.
  7. Oh my last message was definitely condescending in response to yours. The first was not however. Hence my initial reply about you being salty. As for "codesplaining" forums are here to pass information and knowledge. If that offends you then you might be in the wrong place. I do think it's funny though that my "dev indicators" of their past comments are somehow nothing but assumptions but you just listed the same sort of thing and thats "good direction for the game!" I also don't discourage players from trying to play PvE. It doesn't affect me what so ever if they do or don't nor do I think anyone should be chased away. Again, managed expectations was what my initial post was about.
  8. The devs stated before the game even launched that the game was designed intentionally to be a group game and that playing it solo isn't really advised and would be a rough time. They want it to be like Eve with massive scale. It's possible when the game is a lot further a long, regions are more stable along with the mega guilds that control them that things will become easier for solo or small guilds. So many changes have already been made to appease the solo players.
  9. I can't see them NOT doing this. More ships in this is like more dino's in ark. It would be silly if they didn't do it. We will most likely see both new ships and definitely new creatures/monsters over time.
  10. I'd be so happy if they added in a seperate audio volume slider just for character noises like snoring, broken leg, starving, etc. That's probably my most despise part of this entire game lol.
  11. I think one of the big problems a lot of people have is that alphas in this game work pretty much the same way they did in ark, which is huuuugee HP pools and massive damage. In ark you had access to OP tames and flyers so you could just munch em right back with a much larger dino that was properly leveled and win, or you could fly up somewhere out of range and just use 24958249 arrows to kill em. In this we don't have that as its not primarily a pokemon game like ark was so you have to really treat alphas like super dangerous mini bosses or something. I usually just try really hard at all times to have good situational awareness and spot them before I ever get close enough to get agro, which isn't always easy being severely colorblind but I manage (most of the time) to do it. Then I see if I have the available rocks/mountain around me or the stuff on me to make a trap of some sort. If I'm away from base on a foreign island I avoid them 99.99% of the time because risking death is usually not worth it or I can't easily come up with a good method of killing them since the land is usually owned and doesn't allow building. Hopefully as the game progresses and we get new things added in it will help balance them out some. In ark for a while alphas were pretty damn dangerous early on and some alpha critters you just straight up avoided, like an alpha rex when rex's were top of the chain.
  12. They give insane amounts of xp. In your low levels it will give you like 5 levels for killing just one. We kill them as often as possible because of it.
  13. The agro range and the range of their jump should be lowered a bit, yeah.
  14. Well they are intended to be super strong mobs and people are managing to kill them solo, not even group required. They just have a ton of HP and do a lot of damage so you have to do it strategically. The fire arrows will probably get nerfed before they do tbh. I think if they fixed the spawn rate so they were rare, like never more than 1 or 2 per island at a time depending on island size that would mitigate most peoples problems because then you could avoid it if you don't want to fight it. My biggest issue with the alphas is when there are multiple and they all pop out of the same spawners. Often right near me as I'm harvesting on a tame. I'm fine with some random silliness here and there but it shouldn't be as often as its been happening.
  15. Lucky for you none of those mechanics are actually implemented yet so worry not! You are entitled to your opinion but I hold the opposite opinion that we NEED mechanics to punish people who abuse the fact that character death resets all your stuff and lets you bypass the core survival mechanics of the game. This is early access so all the other issues you mentioned should hopefully be addressed at some point and become a non-issue.
  16. Not sure they need to much of a nerf directly, but their spawn numbers need to be dropped for sure. You can still kill them all with 3 fire arrows though. They are ultra xp. Just hop up on a rock they can't get you from and fire arrow them down.
  17. Yeah just catching up on the forums tonight is showing that lol.
  18. Stone gates needed to be rebalanced. They were definitely too cheap and easy to spam. They SHOULD have put them in the patch notes though.
  19. At least it was only an elephant. Some companies have lost galleons.
  20. I've noticed on reddit the companies that tamed them love to point out they did so but purposely leave out the info. For anyone wondering there is a youtube video out there that shows it, but it works similar to imprinting babies from ark. Its a RANDOM veggie every time you bola. So you need to bring a ton of variety and get a little lucky. At work and they block youtube here but if you check r/playatlas on reddit it should be easy to find.
  21. You can just kill the lion while your in its mouth. If it's an alpha that's a different story and you should have been more careful. We have lions on our island and I've been killed a total of 1 time since release day. Lions die super easy when they grab you because you can one shot them right in the face with a pistol. I really hope the devs don't go removing the FEW creature abilities of the FEW creatures even in the game at the moment because people want a carebear game.
  22. You *ARE* salty. You apparently can't read without feeling personally insulted when I said nothing that was condescending. What I know comes from the interviews they have done in the past, things they have posted and working in a I.T. development field where code release is a day to day task. Were it such an easy and quick fix like you seem to think it is it would have been done already. There is a reason I said if people complain enough (they have, its all this forum is) and it still hasn't been addressed. There are multiple mechanics involved and changing them not only affects the game play design for PvE but could also affect PVP, where its a critical part of game play. Not to mention if it requires actual back end coding changes vs just server variables in a config file they would have to start a separate repo and maintain 2 different code trees which is generally a big ass NO NO because its a nightmare to maintain. Just because *YOU* don't understand how development cycles work doesn't mean other people don't. I also never once said the game 'all about me' like you seem to claim. Nor did I imply it anywhere. You are just defensive and salty and lashing out like a child. Feel free to go look at the history of ark's development cycle if you want to see the patterns this team has and go look at interviews for it and this to see the similarities. My post was all about managed expectations but apparently that idea is foreign to you. Try to use some logical thinking instead of emotional attitude for once.
  23. There will be mechanics in place for them to avoid if they want. The biggest complainers about it are definitely just the 'want everything, do nothing' crowd.
  24. I never said this WAS ark. I merely pointed out that the claim system is a more advanced version of the 'claim system' found in their earlier game, ark. Building radius blocking is effectively a claim and exists in both ark and this, and the flag system is an additional system/mechanic put in place to expand upon which gives players an additional way to deal with people taking land. Additionally, the devs clearly stated they want this game to be about things like politics. It's about guild wars, politics, trade, etc. The problem is you choose to play PvE and the game is mainly designed around pvp so you gave up most of your ways to "deal" with the problems you have.
  25. We've had issues in the first week when we were trying to take claims where wild animals would run close and it would reset the timer, but they were things agro to us and it was the very first few days of the game being out. If I have time tonight I'll see if I can get one of our allies to test it with a chicken or something.
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