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Everything posted by Kronans

  1. we have the same probem what host do you guys use or having it home?
  2. it has to come do to coming patches but my gess is they have problems with it and waiting to release it to privet servers to they get a new one
  3. I find how to change lands and so but ghost ships (sod) get stuck on some arias so I put in ship parts but how do I put in what ship typ to spawn ther sod or traider ship?
  4. to tame build a cage that you can trap them then shoot it down to 20% and boolas the animal feed it and do it all over from dmg it to 20% when wake up
  5. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/961981176659396119/42E5D5A60015F6C5171541575BA3D9A03909AD04/ How can I fix so I can see the map om my server?
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