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Everything posted by MindOfMadness

  1. Asking if someone wants to help you is not the same as "Have them help you get a tame"... how do you "have" anybody do anything if not by control? Especially if there is no benefit because in reality you can still tell them to go fly a kite after they worked for you without any payment... What would that be called? Oh yeah, slavery. Being social is communicating... in no part of the definition of "social" requires one to work for the other. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/social
  2. Have them help you get a tame?... Sail with them?... Nobody is your slave and if you try to control people it will be you that has the bad time.
  3. So when you said " If all you are looking for is to have land keep to yourself and not talk or work with anyone maybe you need to look at an unofficial server " it didn't mean people that don't feel like socializing should go play on a unofficial server? You're right, reading is a skill.... Maybe you should try harder at reading what you type.
  4. Preaching to the choir homie. I don't wanna deal with the big tribe drama... I was in a large company for about 4 hours and about 3 hours in drama started and a couple days later I noticed they weren't even a company anymore. I farmed up a few thousand mats for them the few hours I was in and it was all pointless. I could of farmed that stuff for myself and probably still have something to show for it.
  5. Maybe this will finally be something they start banning people from PvE for...
  6. People can just steal a flag or build on lawless... You don't get to tell people how or where they should play, you're not a dev. If I choose not to talk to people what exactly gives you the right to say I have to or go play unofficial? I live in lawless because I don't wanna deal with all the claiming bullshit. It works for me and I don't try to dictate how others should play... only that I have as much a right to play as anybody else that owns the game, official or not.
  7. How are they fast enough to kite a SotD in? I haven't been able to escape any that aggro'd without losing my ship moments later.
  8. I usually only pull in just far enough so that I can anchor but can't if I move out a little. Haven't had a chance to see if it left a side open past the anchor shallows though.
  9. Agreed. It's going to be really nice when I go on a long voyage I can leave my boat anchored overnight at a random island instead of worrying about making it back to the safety of my harbor. This will definitely make me want to start exploring more of the world... I can also finally build a big boat!
  10. I was trolling the people hating on the PVE'ers... I don't actually think there is any set demographic for any play style. I play both PVE and PVP just depends on what friend's I'm with or if I'm playing solo.
  11. I had screen shots of a company doing it to me but Atlas karma got them shortly after so in the end they still got what was coming to them..
  12. I don't see any issues banning the serial griefers... but what about those that did it to a boat abandon in front of their house for two weeks? They used an exploit. People that griefers blocked their boats in with rafts so they sank the rafts, do we ban them too? There are a great deal of issues with banning everyone that has used the exploit to sink a ship and it would not be good for the popularity of the game long term. I have been the victim of this but have never done it to anyone's boat not even the raft that's been next to my shipyard for almost 2 weeks now.
  13. If they would just fix the exploit they could maintain the population and get some people to come back. Banning all the people that have done it will probably bring back the same players that would come back if they just fix the issue but they would lose way more from the bans...
  14. The problem is a large chunk of the player population has used this exploit... If they ban all of them it would look REALLY bad on the books from the business perspective. It could realistically be half the active players. Yeah, the rest of us would get land finally but it could also kill the game.
  15. PVP is for the youngsters that have to challenge everything, everybody, don't get laid, and have nothing better to do with their time. PVE is for the grown folks that have kids, wives, and get paid for their time in the real world so they don't care to waste it in a digital one.
  16. There are oil nodes in the north. I can't remember what kind but they were black nodes that gave oil... I was murdered by a yeti seconds after farming it so didn't really get to inspect what it was.
  17. I read the next line but it didn't seem accurate with the amount of people sinking ships. It's happening every night to a lot of people.
  18. Have you not noticed the countless threads about griefing? It's a nice thought, but just like the real world, Atlas is also full of assholes.
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