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Everything posted by ttv/jasonconstantine

  1. You CAN do this. Add server to favorites in Steam
  2. Again another issue from ARK that was not thought about when they did this. This was a MASSIVE problem, and now its back.
  3. Its amazing to me that they didnt learn this lesson from ARK. This was one of the major issues
  4. Leaving Freeport at Level 8 is insta death! I left when told, was fully stocked with water food and more. Trying to survive on any island outside freeport is impossible, Wolves, Crocks, are WAY too OP and can usually kill in 3 or 4 hits, and I didn't even get into how many Alphas there are. You cant do enough damage with a bow or spear to survive at ALL. Just spent 2 hours trying to get my body back to no avail. This game needs some major balancing / tuning. There are mobs EVERYWHERE. You cant walk 5 feet without being attacked by something. Aggro range is INSANELY high! This is BEYOND unrealistic and BEYOND hardcore. I enjoy a challenge, but this is just dumb. Suggestions: 1. Level 15 before leaving freeport, so you can atleast learn shipwright, metal tools, a decent weapon and armor 2. A reverse sail or someway to "back out" of an area / port / island. Its truly impossible to get to certain islands or leave certain areas without spending an hours trying to manipulate your sails while you crawl inches a minute cause the wind is moving the opposite direction. Maybe add paddles so you can paddle your way back or use it as a makeshift rudder. 3. The font in game is terrible, truly terrible. Give us the option to choose what font we want. 4. More potable water, just in general. There needs to be more water. WE ARE ON THE SEA! Why cant we drink sea water!, maybe the option to boil and purify it?
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