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Everything posted by Un4gIv3nXxX

  1. No I agree 100%, the 1st three islands I went to after the freeport I couldn't even make it to shore without being attacked by crocs. Found a clearing at the fourth and was attacked by a wolf. I managed to kill it but then a 186 lvl alpha scorpion killed me; at the time if you died on land you couldn't respawn on your boat so that was the end of that 6 hr journey. So I'm in a small company now like 5 people who play around the same time; we are on our 4th attempt to get setup somewhere as we have yet to find an open spot to build and have been thwarted by large tribes, whales, and ghost ships before being able to plant any roots (40 some odd hours in and I'm no further than I was after my 1st hr). We set sail again a little later today to a barren ass ice island that has no fiber, veggies or fruit, should be fun. =/ Oh yeah our last trip to about 4 servers in the icy region was full of dying to wolves and being spawned camped by them on our sloop, fun times. On a more serious note, seemed like all the islands required you to fight your way onto them as hostile mobs were damn near a sure thing at every entry point.
  2. Don't just read Warhealer, try to comprehend what it is your reading then post a reply. I don't see early access having anything to do with the choices they've made since EA launch; sorry to hurt your feelings, but many have just been plain bad choices.
  3. I own and have owned plenty of EA games and understand it's a work in progress. Still doesn't explain the host of bad decisions since it's early access launch, and EA status shouldn't buy game studios blanket clearance for shit choices. Sorry to hurt your fanboy feelings, but I tend to call a spade a spade. Regardless your comment did very little to touch on the subject of my post, but hey, thanks for trying.
  4. 1st off, who thought it was ok to make claims of a 40k man server; have a huge twitch turnout in anticipation, and think 6-8, 150 player starter zones was ok. Seriously? Your solution to take up 1/3 of the map with additional starter zones was equally as terrible; 1/3 of a way to small map for even the current player base is now filled with foundations and boat docks. 1/3 of the map wasted where people can't even build; every Island I've been to is a complete circle of red claims. Every lawless starter area is a complete circle of shipyards and foundations. Why didn't you just make instanced starter areas? No one needs to go back, and why do you need a shipyard for a raft? Who in the history of rafts ever used a shipyard to build one? no need for a shipyard = people being able to leave an island without the need to find a suitable place to toss down a shipyard and alleviates all the useless shipyard spam or at the very least doesn't require you to find a spot to build on a completely claimed island. So many Islands without key resources needed to survive, and I'm not even talking about all the islands that are just bugged and don't respawn. Every Island or at least server should have wood, thatch, metal (even if only a little), water, fiber, stone, flint, and food, period; if not it's basically unlivable. If it doesn't have those basics it's damn near impossible to live there ( are you expected to sail to a tropical region for fiber and berries everyday if you want to make the snow your home? If it's basically unlivable then your taking away useful real estate from a map cluster that is already to small for the number of people playing ( with it being on the top and the bottom of the map your wasting a lot of real estate). Unless, you have at a minimum the basics needed for survival. I can live with bugs, server down time, delays, and many other mishaps that occur during early access, but poor communication and the sheer lack of common sense on display here; makes me think you all could use my services. I have high hopes for this game, but for now until some of these game breaking decisions are touched up and some more servers sprout up I must bid you adieu. Keep working at it, I got faith in you. Good Luck!
  5. Nothing is respawning except the hordes of hostile npcs. can't make anything people are just fist fighting out of boredom. there is literally nothing being done on the last 3 islands I've been to, shit is just empty barren of everything except the hostile animals inhabiting them.
  6. Stopped by 4 islands after leaving the starter freeport and was greeted at each by hordes of enemies and alphas at each one. Idied on my raft to a 200 something alpha alligator and decided this was not the place for me. Travelled two more servers away to J5; got to shore and got killed on shore by a 186 alpha Scorpion and was unable to spawn on raft. I decided switched home region to one closer to j5 and have been unable to get into the game in any capacity since.
  7. So 90% of the time I try to exit the game via the Exit button at the home menu screen my whole PC locks up. I have an Alienware 17 r4 that has just been completely cleaned and up to date drivers; this is the only game installed atm. I have had to hard reboot probably a dozen times by just trying to exit game.
  8. I finally left the Freeport and found a destination to try and settle down (J5 to be exact) got on land got attacked by a wolf, I managed to kill it then a 183 Alpha scorpion decided to end me. I was unable to respawn on the bed on my raft so I tried to change my bed to a homeserver close to J5 and have been unable to get back into any server since.
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