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Everything posted by TruWrecks

  1. I edited the ServerGrid.json directly. I'm trying again with the grid editor
  2. I added ServerCustomDatas1: NPCShipDifficultyMult,NPCShipDifficultyLerp,NPCShipNumMult ServerCustomDatas2: 1.0,1.0,0.1 to my server. Restarted everything. Did a destroywilddinos in logged in as admin. Watched the fleet of the Damned explode then spawn right back in. I tried 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. No change. They are just as bad a cockroaches.
  3. On my PVE 2x2 server there are 11 ghost ships that I can see from my base in a Free Port. Each time I set sail there are at minimum 6 Ghost Ships in my view almost all the time. They need to be reduced by 80% to become more playable or sailing is always a doomed adventure. Also, Why are they in power yachts in a game about pirates and SAILING?
  4. 6 green ghost ships and 1 red ghost ship on fire, during a storm that lasted for over 10 minutes. All at the same time? You called that reduced in the patch notes? Play your own game and then put out patch notes based on REAL testing!
  5. If you want people to play and LIKE this game, NERF THE FUCKING GHOST SHIPS! Number 6 speed sloop just sank and too 1,500,00 damage again!
  6. Ship of The Damned has destroyed every speed sloop I have with a medium speed sail and less than half weight total with the wind at max speed and they walk over me. Turn them down! They are making sailing IMPOSSIBLE and they are spawning it 3 to 4 at every encounter. They should be like a Giga in Ark, 1 or 2 per server! Not 50 to 60. Also, when do we get OP weapons that do 1,500,000 damage? That's what it just said when my last sloop got destroyed.
  7. I have disabled claim flags on my server and nobody can use beds on land. This is a private PVE server. We have tried several places and it is not working. We can spawn only on boats and rafts. This is inside and outside of Free Ports.
  8. The script pauses while the server is running. If the server crashes for any reason the script counts to 30 and keeps checking for the process in case it recovers. If it doesn't recover in 30 seconds the script launches the server again. Each grid tile is monitored individually and can be recovered 1 at a time. Launching the main launch script should ignore the existing servers, but I need to test that a bit further to make sure.
  9. In have my 2x2 grid and the player locations are working. My map is just a gray fog. I put the map files in \ShooterGame\ and named the map ServerGrid.jpg. I tried re-exporting and exporting a zoom map and nothing is working. I also cleared the URL entries. "MetaWorldURL": "", "MapImageURL": "", Is there something I'm missing?
  10. Until a better method is available I wrote my own method to auto-restart a server on crash. Start by making a batch file to launch all of the grid servers in their own process. GridStart.bat START /W D:\Servers\Atlas\steamcmd\steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir D:\Servers\Atlas +app_update 1006030 +quit timeout /t 10 START /W xcopy /EY C:\Users\truwr\Documents\Atlas\Saved\A1\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini D:\Servers\Atlas\ShooterGame\Saved\A1\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini START /W xcopy /EY C:\Users\truwr\Documents\Atlas\Saved\A1\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini D:\Servers\Atlas\ShooterGame\Saved\A2\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini START /W xcopy /EY C:\Users\truwr\Documents\Atlas\Saved\A1\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini D:\Servers\Atlas\ShooterGame\Saved\B1\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini START /W xcopy /EY C:\Users\truwr\Documents\Atlas\Saved\A1\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini D:\Servers\Atlas\ShooterGame\Saved\B2\Config\\WindowsServer\Game.ini START CMD /C CALL D:\Servers\Atlas\AtlasTools\RedisDatabase\redis-server_start.bat timeout /t 5 START CMD /C CALL Grid1.bat echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically timeout /t 10 START CMD /C CALL Grid2.bat echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically timeout /t 10 START CMD /C CALL Grid3.bat echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically timeout /t 10 START CMD /C CALL Grid4.bat echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically timeout /t 10 Grtd1.bat @Echo off :Start ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=A1?MaxPlayers=20?ReservedPlayerSlots=10?QueryPort=57550?Port=5750?SeamlessIP=x.x.x.x -log -server -NoBattlEye -ExclusiveJoin echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically ping -n 30 localhost goto Start Grtd2.bat @Echo off :Start ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=1?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=A2?MaxPlayers=20?ReservedPlayerSlots=10?QueryPort=57551?Port=5751?SeamlessIP=x.x.x.x -log -server -NoBattlEye -ExclusiveJoin echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically ping -n 30 localhost goto Start Grtd3.bat @Echo off :Start ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=1?AltSaveDirectoryName=B1?MaxPlayers=100?ReservedPlayerSlots=30?QueryPort=57552?Port=5752?SeamlessIP=x.x.x.x -log -server -NoBattlEye -ExclusiveJoin echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically ping -n 30 localhost goto Start Grtd4.bat @Echo off :Start ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=1?ServerY=1?AltSaveDirectoryName=B2?MaxPlayers=20?ReservedPlayerSlots=10?QueryPort=57553?Port=5753?SeamlessIP=x.x.x.x -log -server -NoBattlEye -ExclusiveJoin echo Press Ctrl-C if you don't want to restart automatically ping -n 30 localhost goto Start This is the most elegant method I can find that will it will get the server back up and running within 30 seconds of a crash. Updated start script to launch Redis, check for server updates, copy game.ini with any changed I want to push to my servers, then launch the grid servers with a 10 second delay between each so they load faster.
  11. Give us a Linux server version already. It's as easy as checking the box in the EU editor and then compile!
  12. They should only spawn in deep water in open ocean, and only if you have a high enough amount of gold to be worth attacking. This is like playing Ark with Apha Gigas spawning all over the map in packs. Two ghost ships spawn in and destroyed everything we had while everyone was offline. Our company was completely wiped and set back to square 1. Fresh spawns will a deficit of point to learn skills with.
  13. This is Prison Island Simulator until the Ship of The Damned spawn issue is fixed. You can build a small dock but as soon as I create a raft and set sail they spawn in and wipe my base and raft. This is in a free port location.
  14. They wiped my company while everyone was offline. Ships and all.
  15. Ship of The Damned is over-spawning and destroying everything. It should be in you tribe logs.This game is now Prison Island Simulator.
  16. Rafts are being targeted too as soon as they leave shallow water.
  17. Problem - Severe: Ship of The Damned spawning everywhere a player exists. Attack in packs. Linger around islands and kill on sight. Ghost ships are griefing everyone anchored at islands. Solution: This is a spawner issue that needs to be fixed! Limit number of NPCs to each region to 1 or 2. Limit number spawn per player/ship to prevent multiple ships from spawning on 1 ship. Decay the spawn immediately after the target ship is destroyed. Set a spawn condition that 30+ gold or rare items are present to trigger a spawn. Restrict NPCs to spawn volume. Move all down volumes to deep water only. Problem - Major: Skill tree rebalance has caused players at level 10 to have -29 points. I currently am at level 26 and I have -134 points.This rebalance is a game stopper because you need to level up to 18 to continue progress. With the current skill tree points scale a solo player has no chance to fully experience the game. Too many different skill trees that are crucial will not be attainable. Solution: Set point scale to increase with each level to allow for individual players to learn multiple skill trees. We don't all play with friends. Force a player reset for everyone so the skill tree is corrected. Problem - Minor: PVE should be PVE. We shouldn't need to worry about other players stealing our claims and loot. Claim flags should not be challenged on PVE. Solution: Boxes and workbenches of every kind should be locked by default, or have a lock option. Give us the choice to unlock it. Claim Flags should decay over time if company doesn't return to them in a specified number of days. Players on PVE should have a limit on claim flags per player to prevent claim spam.
  18. We had 3 ships. 2 Ship of the damned wiped everything we had while we were offline and anchored. They are still there. They even destroyed the rafts in the area. This is worse than playing PVP with trolls. They are not despawning. Please fix this. You just flushed the last 4 days of grinding down the drain.
  19. Cannot spawn on bed on the ships. Can spawn on beds on land. Both locations have cooldown timers stuck at 1:08 on all beds. Spawning on either ship bed keeps sending us back to the respawn screen. Can't fast travel to the bed on the ship either.
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