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Posts posted by Pax

  1. 2 hours ago, DilBert said:

    - New Feature: Player shops in freeports. Players can set up automated shops in each Freeport, listing loot for sale and naming their own gold coin prices.


    From patch notes for late February



    This is not what he is talking about.. Yes there will be freeport shops.

    However they have not said anything yet about a resource bounty system

    Would be nice works like a Buying shop instead of selling. 

    I put gold in the shop and list items i want at a price per gold. and the shop buys items instead of selling them. 


  2. It shouldnt hurt your ship if you hit them. Mine has never been hurt by these.. BUt could get you stuck... Theres are put in places by trolls to block ships.. Get screen grabs of the pillar in place with names and report them. 

  3. Good... that means megas cant keep thier land... several of the mega tribes now only have 5-7 peopel in them. From what Jat said in the live stream it will work like the timers.. the more flags mean more time off, costing more and more gold per flag.

    a bunch of the megas are already selling land as they cant keep up with it

    My company has 20 flags.. We have 16 on our main island. We live in 3, 6 are to protect the forest from people building inside it. the remaining are uses as rentals..  we keep tax at 10% and negotiate some price for rentals gold or resources.  people stay as long as they pay.  Several we have let live here have found thier own claims and left.. we reopen that area for someone new.  In some cases we replant the flag if they left a buildign or dont pay and now we have some prebuilt houses to rent out too.

  4. 14 minutes ago, DannyUK said:

    Yes but why should the people get to keep those flag when the devs have changed the rules, surely you can't see this as fair to everyone? So you say people will rent land, what gives them the right to rent it in the first place?

    If they wiped the claims and started again with the fresh rules they brought in then I'd agree with you but not when they move the goal posts 3 weeks in so they get the advantage. What they should have done when they announced the change of rules around flags was to say ok guys we are changing how claim flags work now, we will make it fair for everyone and let you claim the flags again.

    You can't just suddenly change the rules in favour of those who started the game first, that is not fair to new members at all.

    As I said before, they game is favoured towards the big Twitch streamers with big companies, they are not interested in the small timers. I'm very happy on lawless right now and if they turfed everyone off it I'd be saying goodbye to the game and I know alot of others would also.

    i belong to a 2 person tribe.. We bought the game day one. we worked our ass off fighting with peopel in PVE to keep the land we wanted safe. Why should i loose all my hard work for peopel that didnt bother investing any time or effort over the last month?  your basically saying that people like me that have spent the time in here dealing with the bugs and the griefers and learning and building the wiki the hard way around should loose everything and start over cause new people coming into the game now, or cause people are finally ready to leave lawless and come get a claim??

    They have made systems to allow them to play just the same and there are plenty of peopel here that are using that system to allow them to play jsut the same... 

    There wont be any server wipes to appease these people. 

    15 minutes ago, UDO said:

    gold cost for flags could finish smaller companys as it is the cost just for crew is quiet prohibitive can be ac ouple hundred gold per day to maintain crew for a couple of schooner s and cannons for defence adding gold cost to flags would make this worse , so u would have to give up crew for flags then that leave su with noone to man cannons or ships , 


    resource cost for flags yes gold no , but high resource costs based on how many flag 1 flag coupe hundred of each resource 50 flags several thousand of each resource per flag 

    Gold is easy.. our tribe has 2 schooner, 2 brigs and a gally all crewed. totalling 38 crew.. takes us doing 3-5 blue maps a week and we have enough gold for all of our crew. 

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  5. Echo Hill has several openings on N12 for rentals of water front property.. Possibly even built houses for rent. Protected forests access included with rent. Wood, Stone, Fiber, Sap, Flint within walking distance of all rentals. Metal available on server (Next island over). Bears, Tigers, Lions, Bull, Cow, crows, snakes on island.  Rent to be negotiated. Tax rate 10% Guaranteed. 

    Also for SALE - area covered by 5 flags on N14. 

    DM if interested.

    Discord PaX #9267

  6. If you have a hammer and use it on ao ship part it will pull from the ship... IF you have no hammer it will expect you to have them in your inv... Even works if your off the ship like swimming.

  7. a gold cost per flag is coming Jat talked about it in the livestream.

    A server wipe would solve nothing.. Would just change whos in the top 10. People who have no flags now would be out there doing the same thing claiming 50 flags for their 2 person company.

    They have talked about adding incentives for player who allow others to live on thier lands, however most people with out a flag refuse to even hear about renting land from people. they demand people give up a flag for free.

    There are alot of people that are renting with a reasonable cost to the renters. 

    Likewise alot of the "megas" are selling flags for gold,tames,BPs. Cause they see now that they cant hold it all.  Going rate on flags is 10-50K gold.  They could be less, they could be more.. This is just an average. 

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