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Everything posted by SouthSideChicago

  1. alright man, think what ya want. to me you are just a forum bitch but hey, every game needs them so we are all happy you are here. if you have any questions, comments, or concerns let me know. I'm always up for helping people out.
  2. arykos just yesterday you said some dumb shit to me in a different topic. i left it alone but now you fail to read what i said properly so i decided to address it. I can tell the type of player you are. scrub bro.
  3. Im curious about you chuck. i don't think you have the same name in game but i do remember seeing something similar. what part of the map were you on? and who you roll with? just askin.
  4. I don't like to argue on forums or even talk shit too much. It doesn't do anything productive. I'll still do it from time to time, just to shit on kids like arykos, but i'd much rather see him in game. one thing people always fail to realize is that no matter what is said or done, there will ALWAYS be a few people who will talk shit just because they are behind a keyboard.
  5. To be fair, look at my original post. I never said i was top tier did i? arykos did. As a matter of fact, my next post after that I specifically said im not the best. You guys need hooked on phonics? cause you guys are having a real hard time with reading comprehension.
  6. right, but ask around in game. it's just what i do so why change here? its all true. You can be a forum whore with 100's of posts but that doesn't mean shit.
  7. Sit down arykos because you are about to learn shit. Being a top tier player means many things. Understanding the entire map and who's who is very important. Having the ability to communicate with other players is also a huge part of this game and opens up many things including trading and finding out new metas that you wont find on any forum until the noobs start finding out. Being smart and patient about how and when you attack is something very valuable and not many players have that. Doing ALL the content in the game multiple times helps too. I'm not the best player in the game, but don't get it twisted, whenever something needs to get done quickly and cleanly, there's a reason why leaders and admins get a hold of southside. Any asshole can join a zerg or offline ships...but when you're able to go out with a group of 2-3 players and destroy months of work enemies have obtained, while they are online fighting back, and then setup a base right in the middle of their shit. then yeah, you start to agree with people when they call you a beast. that didn't just happen once either. The last day or 2 i played, i fought against dynasty again. They have good players. It was fun. You learn everyday and get better. I don't complain with the devs do or don't do. I'll adapt. Can you say the same?
  8. I don't know man. I talked to the company leader and admins today on discord and they aren't even sure.
  9. This guy Kast is absolutely correct. I'm in one of those "mega-companies" and also one of the 10% of our players who actually goes out and PvP's in ANY situation.. Without mentioning names, the absolute top tier players in this game know every other major group/company (not just the top 10) Problem is, every single one of those players couldn't do dick without crafters, tamers, farmers, I can go on for hours about this game and the would've and should'ves or the positives and the negatives but I try not to argue online. I say what i think and our leader talks with Jat and some other guy about "opinions and the state of the game". Most of the shit i see on these forums are people saying the same things over and over and opinions, which is fine, but all i need is someone with 500+ posts already talk shit to me. I might of played this game too much, but i know bullshit when i see it. I'm glad i saw Kast post this.
  10. If there's another wipe after this one, nobody will play. guaranteed. why level up or do anything that's just going to be gone again? This isn't rust. They already mentioned bringing in more official servers, so making the current NA and EU PvP servers Legacy servers is the most likely option. Reward players that have been here since day 1. Funny thing is, there are other similar games already being made as we speak. If these devs care one bit about the future of this game and it's community, they wont do another wipe. You saw what happened to their player count within 48 hours of the official wipe announcement lol.
  11. sorry sneaky i didnt know the internet grammar police were still around. plz dont write me a ticket. product of the chicago public school system here, but if you cant understand anything that was said i can break it down for you if you'd like? thanks for chiming in and keeping the conversation running smoothly.
  12. Absofuckinlutely. I'm not here to toot my own horn but during the 1st 2-3 weeks after this game launched, i dont think there was a single person who sank more ships, killed more enemy tames, or popcorned more loot than me. I went on solo or duo adventures with hundreds of flame arrows and dozens of explosive barrels and gave Zonda and CSTG a major problem. As a matter of fact, i nearly got kicked from the Federation because of how much shit i stirred up with the JP. But hey, i just went around, looking for land i wanted, and blew up everything that was on that island. Now...having a set time to attack...wtf? but i understand. I just wish these guys would give us a definitive date of when we can get back into it...because all bullshit aside, once the 20th arrives, and if theres no PTR or anything, they will lose a giant part of their community.
  13. Many of you are clueless, blind, or just dumb. Either way, everyone knows what PvP means. What you are failing to realize is that the MAJORITY of the players on the PvP servers don't login everyday and go PvP. Everyone here knows people that login and focus mainly on farming resources, or getting discovery points and maps, or base building with crazy defenses, taming and breeding creatures, hunting lvl 50+ ghost ships and whales, etc. Don't sit here and complain that you bought this game for PvP and the devs are ruining it for you. The devs are finally trying to make this more balanced for everyone. You sound like a bunch of sissies that never got a good whoopin from your parents. Those people that do all those things i listed are absolutely vital for any company that wants to succeed in this game. Deal with it or gtfo.
  14. Could they technically start the PTR and official servers together? I'm sure that many players will come back once the PTR launches to see the changes, but it won't be for long. Who wants to play for an extended period of time when their progress is just going to be lost again once the official servers launch? I don't know...i just want to get back into Atlas soon before i find another game.
  15. I've found it pretty funny reading through these 10 pages of "announcements". I see a lot of crying, a ton of ideas, but most of all...lots of wondering. I can tell you all one thing for certain. Any date that these devs set for ANY particular patch or update will not be accurate...it will be late. I won't bash them since i have no fuckin clue how to make a video game, but I am also pretty damn positive that they aren't the brightest stars in the sky. That said, just sit back and relax and just hope that they do a good job. I personally had a ton of fun since launch day/week (which was late, and an absolute disaster) and i'm excited to play the PTR once released. The day they announced the wipe tho, live on stream, was terrible. I put a lot of time into the game and lost a lot. I was just about to hit lvl 90, beat the Kraken, tamed a few lvl 29 razortooths and countless shieldhorns, had one of the best brigs on the entire NA PvP server, mythic weapons and armor, and most importantly...i rolled with a major company where i met a bunch of good peeps. I'll have to re-do all of that but to be honest, as long as the devs fix the bugs and continue to evolve....SouthSide Chicago is going to be online, slayin fools.
  16. i wouldn't say they support hackers....but i would say that grapeshot hasn't been active enough on finding the actual problems and dealing with them appropriately. Listen,...the devs/programmers/etc for this game aren't the brightest stars in the sky but i have to admit that it's tough man...really tough, and i do believe that not only are they aware of the bullshit going on...but they are trying to figure it out. Let's give them some time, i'd say until the official servers are up with the new updates, to see how they are tackling the situation.
  17. I feel your pain bro. I'm right there with you...even though you are uganda scum lol. Max level was boosted to 83, just got the 2nd FoY a few days ago...everything was nice stat-wise. Then its all gone. All that preparation and time spent for nothing. I have screenshots of everyone on our boat with the shiny hats on but it doesn't mean jackshit. I could careless about the hat...i want the buffs and my discovery points back. Just don't know how to get them. It's a super easy fight but even if we go back and fight it again, how the hell am i supposed to know we won't lose all the rewards again?
  18. this happened to a few of us in the federation. we popped both fights (dread lion), got booted out of the 1st fight into i-7 when the kraken was at 25%, because of over populated server, then we had to wait an hour for destiny to fight it. we popped it again and beat it quickly....and i got all the rewards. I logged on this morning and still had the hat on and my max lvl was at 83. i was floating int he ocean so a shark killed me, once i spawned back on my server...everything gone. no discovery points, no buff, no fucking nothing. On top of it all...you cant even put a ticket in right now concerning that issue because the devs are only concentrating on company merging and things like that. Wtf to do? There were a few people with us who didnt have any powerstones who got all the rewards and still do so thats not your problem Therion.
  19. My boy Kyle and I pulled this lvl 29 Razortoth last night on NA PvP. I've read many different posts about how to tame, the issues revolving around it, and all that. I don't know what all the fuss is. In the last 24 hours we've pulled a half dozen shieldhorns and a few razortooths including this bad boy. He seemed to like buns more than anything else while feeding. 468 hp, 385 stamina, 140.5 melee. The devs need to do something about this because as of right now, both shieldhorns and razortooths are pretty much only trophies at this point in the game. They both have some decent utilities but i wouldn't bring these into battle unless i had a flock of bears and tigers in front of me.
  20. Make offers. Have 95 barrels and 9k metal remaining.
  21. Looking for gold and salt. Can deliver or meet. We are in the M11 area. Willing to sell 15k metal and 150 explosive barrels. Won't sell less than 5k metal or 50 barrels. ty
  22. It will happen just be patient. I was in the same situation as you are in but i didnt have many problems because its not hard to safeguard your shit. build walls around your boats and be strategic where you lay your head. Not looking forward to re-doing all those power stones tho.
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