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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Not in this industry really. Assassins creed had to change their dlc ending because of the loud people. Honey and vinegar don’t apply here. The phrase that is more likely in this situation is the swearing wheel gets the oil. This company has a lot to make up for from ark so I wouldn’t expect the anger to die down especially if they start seeing ark like behavior
  2. Not legitimate. Anyways, you sure do have a wild imagination man, I’ll give you that. On that note I gotta head to bed. I did enjoy reading your analysis though. Wrong but I did enjoy it. Have a good night. edit: you are welcome for getting your thread in gear.
  3. Narcissism is the only one that even sounds like me. People say I am a little too cocky but I have never been antisocial in my life lol. Definitely not the other 3
  4. Well I am a firefighter so they got me on the risk taking part. Very social though so that part isn’t me. No sir, I do not enjoy or partake in cruelty to anyone Of course that isn’t the companies fault. If the buy the extension cord and it is broken that is the companies fault
  5. Cool sounds good. I enjoyed the insults. Plus, I have liked and even agreed with you a couple of times. If I don’t agree, sure I am going to say it.
  6. Now I am a sadist? Smh. As far as I can tell I am nothing like what is listed in this study
  7. That is good that you paid attention to the second hand opinions before you bought the game. That was a very smart thing to do.
  8. Well then he should have quoted you. ah, now I am delusional, self hating, a troll, and attention deprived. I am sure I am missing some of colorful things. man, I have a lot of stuff going on then huh? Lol
  9. Ok, and I agree with you. Still don’t know where it came from
  10. If it is tldr I am not going to read all of it. And don’t act innocent, you like picking certain things out that I say as well That doesn’t sound like me in the slightest
  11. Wondering why you use the words screaming and crying. I have never even used caps here. From what I can tell I have been calm every time I post something. You seem to have a lot of anger though. Plus you are using a lot of very typical words used by the people you call trolls. never really liked using any of those words.
  12. If you don’t want to then you don’t have to. Never said you did. Like I said I am here expressing my opinion. You don’t like it and you don’t want me to express it. That is your problem. anyone can feel free to say anything they want including you. Never once told either of the three of you that you couldn’t express your view. All 3 of your are doing that right now. the word troll is overly used. A troll only wants to get a reaction out of people for no other reason than that. I have my reasons rather you like them or not. I have also had multiple normal conversations on here. there is really only 4 people I argue with on here. Not my problem if you guys don’t like what I say. Where did you come from? They said I didn’t own the game and I said it didn’t matter if I owned the game. where did that come from?
  13. Yeah sure who cares what my college professor tells me about US history. I live in America so my first hand knowledge is far superior to his. First hand means nothing
  14. How are they inconsistent? I don’t like the company and I will express my views, but of course I believe that everyone has the freedom to make their own decisions. I never tell anyone to quit playing. so no, I don’t have to be both and I am not both. I know you want me to fit in the box man but I don’t. Sorry to tell you
  15. Definitely not self hating. Angry sure. Not doing it for attention, and not a troll
  16. It’s not my job to worry or care about who takes me seriously. Still don’t have to own the game to see what’s on the forums, Twitter, Reddit. Sure I am going off of others experiences. I would much rather learn from their mistakes than my own so believe me no matter how inferior you think my opinion is, yours is far inferior to the multiple people have share all of the bad things, because if there were just people like you here, I might have been fooled into buying it You sure do a lot of assuming. And really? Try to tell that guy to quit? Lmao. Sorry man, wouldn’t bother telling the grass not to be green either.
  17. Dude, where are you getting me telling you to quit. You literally bring that up every single time. I never once said that. At least try to drop that. rare
  18. That was just the trailer lol the stuff that isn’t added yet wouldn’t be in the trailer lol. You realize they said it would be early access for 2 years right? Even though I think they are idiots, I am pretty sure it wouldn’t take even them 2 years to do some fixes. they are planning on adding a lot more. That is what they do, they push out content instead of optimization. It isn’t an ea thing. It’s a wildcard thing Not sure if I read that right. 6 or 7 ships chased down 1 galleon? doesnt sound like a large ship battle to me. It does sound like Megas doing what they do though
  19. Oh yeah. Btw they actually hit the 20% decrease mark. Smh still falling
  20. Lol I am still waiting for the large sea battles. Wonder when that will happen. yeah dude. Who knows you might be right. I am sure they will give up and just say here it is, the done product 2 months from now. And yep, then I would have been wrong by saying half the game wasn’t out yet. Let see if they prove me wrong
  21. I know what they said would be added into the game. Half isn’t there yet. Not half a game.
  22. Once again, doesn’t mayter if I own the game. they already talked about everything that would be added, and so far not even half of “everything” is in the game. So yeah not even half a game. i also never said you had to stop playing. Never said it once
  23. Nope, not a troll. I have a cause and reasons so I am doing what I am doing. Doesn’t take that much energy. Only a few seconds really
  24. It’s common sense. This game is 30 dollars which is half of a released game price. This is nowhere even close to half the game. plus we are giving them free testing of their game in the first place, which I don’t care how many companies do it, that is unethical and plenty of people think so. Many game critics have already done videos on it. That is unethical. to add everything together with how broken everything is, even if it was half way done it is no where near in a half working state at the very least.
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