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Everything posted by Angrytango

  1. Exactly! Oh wait! I got excited for a moment thinking that he actually did ignore us. But that can't be the case, right? Otherwise how is he seeing that we are even making comments? If you ignore someone, can you still see their comments?
  2. You really are dense Hodo. Seriously? LOLOL And if you really did bother to ignore me than I am honored. Since in our last run in I had you dead to rights. You accused me of being "triggered" because you failed to come up with defensible case. Can't beat 'em? Ignore. What a beautiful thing.
  3. Yeah, I get that. Unfortunately, premium land is pretty hard to come by. Even while sailing around out in the world a good portion of the islands have been walled off. Can't even stop the boat and get out to collect berries and such because there are gates everywhere. It is what it is.
  4. Go ahead and prove my point. That certainly was not a mature, intelligent response.
  5. You, sir are a pretentious buffoon. When you were opposing those with arguments who did not have a good command of grammar and spelling, you resorted to treating them like dull children in need of your correction. When facing someone else who clearly does have at least a fair handle on the written word you had to resort to tit references. Actually, now that I think about it, you bore me as much as the game.
  6. Yes, I am sure your brilliant corrections of him will make him so much better! I agree that it can be hard to be taken seriously if one can not spell properly; mostly due to people's myopic point of view and their inability to overlook some things in an effort to truly connect with and understand what they are trying to say. That is an argument for another day perhaps.
  7. OP never said anything about a server wipe?
  8. Ahhh, back on that are we? But still you are proving my point that you are not coming with up with a valid rebuff for the fact that LOTS of people are getting bored with the game. I could resort to the insult hurling and say you are probably a fat, pimply woman-hater living in your momma's basement and couldn't get a date in a whore house with a fist full of dollars. But that would mean I am stooping to the level of others on here. SO I shall refrain. Good day
  9. Thank you. Exactly this. Just because some people prefer to play solo or in very small groups does not mean that we should not be able to play the game. I don't think that most of us with this player mentality want the game to be catered to us. But all the Nancy boys that HAVE to have a big company accuse us all of that if we have any complaints regarding the game. It IS an MMO. But that should not mean that you HAVE to be in a big company to be able to play. I am all for open trade etc. But when it comes to the rest I keep my circles tight. Nothing worse than getting in to a group only to realize that people are racist, sexist, hit on you or otherwise do things that you do not agree with. Case in point the WHOLE COMPANY that got banned because someone made a racist sign. Not the whole company but one person. And for that everyone that was in that company suffered, No thanks.
  10. It is funny how someone can come up with a valid point, but apparently either not be a good speller or typist and people go off on the spellcheck. Come on man! Leave his spelling alone. it is not so bad that you can't see the point he is trying to make. The fact that you were so kind to keep it to a short list of corrections is just condescending. If you want to negate the things he said because you do not agree with his opinion, fine. As you did. Otherwise go be an English teacher or something. Not everyone is good at spelling. It doesn't make them completely incapable of a valid argument. Get over yourself!
  11. Well, when all that is left on the game is the large companies that treat everyone else like slaves you will have to go do all the resource gathering yourself. Let me know how fun that is. Who wants to play the game as someone else's slave? Yuck. There is enough IRL rent and taxes to make us all sick.
  12. Furthermore, I have to point out... That if the game was all that exciting these days, people would be so busy playing they would not have time to comment on a seemingly innocuous post on the forums.
  13. I am not sure if you are talking about Scorpion, but in this instance I agree with him. If you go back through the post you will see all the people telling me to shut up and go play another game. Freaking out because I mentioned that I am female. Accusing me of being lazy, boring, stupid..... The list goes on. honest to God. This thread is so old. I can't even believe that it is even still a thing. Haha
  14. Why is it that if everything you say is not 110% positive, that you are accused of complaining? If I went on the forums every few minutes and whined and complained incessantly I could see it. But I have only made a couple of comments here and there. All have gone ballistic with people vehemently telling me I am wrong, stupid, etc. I refrain from accusatory language and name calling (with herculean effort, I must say). Yet, I am met with hostility over my opinion. This type of toxic community will only serve to keep people from playing the game.
  15. Yeah, I agree about the mods. I thought there was going to be a lot more to do. I know it is EA but if they would even get the mods in..... Not to mention as it stands, running your own server in order to get the mods when they do come out is a joke. I can pay $13 a month for an ark server and have a tone of fun and the whole map and use whatever mods I want. For $13 a month on Atlas I get one square and level 8. Just not even a possibility.
  16. I have never really seen a game that had so much potential die because the devs listened to their player base and actual fixed the game. have you? If so please give specific examples and how the player suggestions that would keep them playing were wrong and negatively impacted the game.
  17. I posted about the game getting boring. And I was literally slammed. Now they do this when as everyone has said most of our characters are 90+ and those not in mega companies have no way of fighting through the nerf to actually get to the fountain of youth. Just sad.
  18. Man, I am sorry you can't get on. That is pretty lame. I know a lot of people are pretty upset about the BattleEye issue. Sounds like you had a great time before that though. Haha
  19. Lord have mercy! Don't say ANYTHING that is not 100% legit blowing rainbows and sunshine up everyone's butt that defends this game. Otherwise they will turn it into a personal attack. TBH, laughing at the people who so vehemently defend the game to the point of absurdity is more entertaining than actually playing. And funny, that I have not been insulting to anyone else at all. So much negativity and emotion over my opinion. With all these personal attacks at people, continue to watch the game numbers dwindle. Instead of valid, fact based responses, they rely on personal attacks because that it all they got.
  20. You only have 15 hours in game? And complain.... I made one statement that I did not find the game exciting ATM and you flip out and make it all personal . If anyone gives women a bad name it is you as you are ridiculously emotional.
  21. You are telling me that you got a handout and say that I am giving female players a bad rap? Mkay. Well, I don't stand on the welfare line. Nor the chain gang. And I don't want to be forced to "find others" to do my playing for me. I am in a super small company of people that I know IRL. It is what it is. Lawless gets a bad rap because it IS a bad rap. Being crammed in with others on top of you and struggling for meager resources is just unfun. But hey, we are allowed our own opinions. Enjoy your handouts. Some of us would just rather not. And if you read my OP I said that part of it is that taming and such is broken ATM. Most of my tames got wiped due to clipping issues so for now, I decided to wait on that. Maybe if you would try harder to see a point instead of being defensive we could get somewhere.
  22. To Faicorf- This has nothing to do with laziness or poor decision making. Do you think that somehow I spawned on one of the coldest servers on the map and thought, yes! Here! No, I had tried claims in MANY zones. Either the land is claimed or if you go lawless you are on top of each others' crap. Or there is always the option of A. Joining a big company and being someone's slave and not being able to play the game you want. OR B. Renting and paying taxes. (yeah, cause I don't do enough of that IRL) I have 157 hours so far in Atlas and 2,144 in Ark. I think I know what it takes to make it on a survival game and I am certainly NOT lazy. However, I do feel it is relevant to point out that the toxicity of the community on this game will not help its' success in the long run. I posted my opinion. I was making suggestions in the platform that is available for us to do so. I did not need to be insulted by a pathetic fanboy such as yourself who can't seem to make an argument for the game without placing blame on the player. Don't hate the player- hate the game. And before you tell me to just quit if I don't like it. Just don't! Grow up. Evidently with this many hours into the game I do find some things that I like about it and will continue to watch it as it grows. Some of the functionality just is not there yet. I really hope that there is something left to get behind after toxic people like you have their way.
  23. I am a female that happens to game. A lot.... Especially in the winter. After work, I game. It is what I do. But sad to say at this point I am just bored with the game. It is not the EA or the broken mechanics. It is just boring. Not enough content? I got off worked and logged in as usual, ready to settle in for the evening. And I was like, ok... Feed the crew and the few tames that I have left that were not killed due to clipping issues and I was like NOW WHAT? And that is when it hit me. There is nothing that I really felt like doing so I logged out. Tame? Don't bother until it is fixed. Land Claim? Ha! Joke. Ok Build? Well the lousy land claim I have has no resources and I am not in the mood to sail forever round trip to bring the mats back to build on my shitty iceberg. Other than that there just really is nothing. It would be great if there was like something to do at the Freeports? Maybe a tavern where players could meet up and play pirate games against each other and NPCs for in game gold or rewards. I can see earning rep this way that might get you followers or something. But for now, I think I will go watch a movie. Sigh
  24. A. You never had to beat the dinos on Ark. B Has a triceratops existed in your lifetime? Because penguins have, therefor they are more relatable. Weren't you trolling someone else earlier Percieval??? Run along. I am sure you are missed somewhere.
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