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Everything posted by mouflon77

  1. Bug: Some cooked food do not provide vitamin increase in respective areas. Server: NA PVP Colonies Grid: global Have so far tested rosemary chicken and similar level foods and these only give a increase of food in one area. For example rosemary chicken gives only vitamin D and not Vitamin A as its suppose to. Also appears that some buffs may not be working as intended for certain foods but have not yet tested myself only what others have said.
  2. Ceiling dissapearing within a walled enclosure also
  3. Could we have a list of dates please as we were ALL taking the 20th off work for the release but looks like will be the Test server around this date now? Joke about taking off work...will call in sick.
  4. i would second that and also have different sized doors in terms of width and height - even some stable doors for smaller animals would do.
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