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Everything posted by Stan759

  1. I think this information CAN be useful and after reading the comments having speed makes sense to stay alive. However, if able to travel 10 knots over 14 knots will it be that much a penalty to add an extra 8 cannons or soo? Maybe some risk of speed is better than being light with little ammo and cannons? It is a balance game on how to manage speed, weight, and cannons. Sure ya can strip down and be all speed sails with no cannons does that make ya the better ship? And having all cannons to the sky with all weight traveling at 2 knots does that make ya the better ship? I think some of these tests need is not based on percentage of how much is full but the weight capacity equal with the sails. For example a ship that can hold 15,000 cargo and is filled 90% and a ship that can hold 18,000 and filled 90% may have a different speed factor for example. The 18,000 capacity ship is filled with 6,300 weight is equal to 35% but a ship with 15,000 with 6,300 is at 42% the overall weight and weight the ship is hauling MATTERS not just percent. If we do 35% flat rate the 15,000 would be hauling 5250 weight at 35% compare to the 18,000 it is 29%. So yes Speed sail could make a difference but if ya can increase with a mythical weight sail adding 230% to the 4500 will add an additional 10,350 weight. Which means more cannons or more ammo. A graph seeing in knots and weight would be a better understanding than percent. I would love to see a super speed full brig or galleon with little cannons vs a average speed version with more cannons and see the battle. Sometimes the ship doesn't make captain but the captain makes the ship.
  2. Seems like what I understand it could be Nitrado hardware and then a software issue after upgrading their hardware. BUT Grapeshot should also assist in this manner to aid Nitrado find a resolution to the map issue. Ever since the tradewinds update it has been a black map since, and being unable to fast travel is a big problem for players. Most of the servers with Nitrado have had an increase of decreasing players. Money is being lost and the negative reviews are increasing. Also without a stability patch to help stabilize the game is also increasing the loss of base players overall. When will we see a fix for this? A server that is able to hold more than 100 players is now only seeing 10-15 players throughout the DAY not even within the hour, you'll be lucky 5 people are on at the time. Any response or acknowledgement would be appreciated since the server has had this black map for almost a month now going on (2) two. The negative reviews will drive other players in the future away causing a loss of profit. (Not my doing just a general statement.)
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