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Everything posted by Looniper

  1. Currently there are several decks on most ships, each with spaces we are Going to fill in with a number of ceilings, leaving just a space or two with a ramp down to lower decks. All of those parts are static instanced meshes, which take up a lot less in the way of resources than other methods but still take up more, the more individual meshes are used. So why not allow us to build using a Single mesh for all of the decks on a ship? You could create them from existing meshes in a few minutes - and the end result would be say.. all 6 deck objects and the dozens of ceilings that would usually be put into a galleon, now being a single mesh. And since the hit on sweep you're using to detect collision for damage already returns Location of the hit, you cant still have multiple regions for damage on the single deck piece to allow multiple remaining Health sections, and by adding material regions you can use some transparencies and similar to show a destroyed part of it without any change to meshes. .. The same thing applies to player-building of all types. Walls on top of an existing row should allow 2x wide, 2x high, 2x2 placement as a single mesh, using 2 or 4 pieces from inventory. (faster building and fewer resources) Basically, anything you already use for LODs could be applied to simplify building by players, improving the building experience For players and reducing the sluggish/choppy play that tends to come with being near large structures or multiple ships.
  2. That's Your job. If you find the info you're looking for, or updated info.. that isn't on the wiki, go add it to the wiki. Wikis aren't operated by their subject matter, they are basically entries to an online-encyclopedia that is open to editing by the public. The less people Use the wiki, or play the game in general, the more it will fall behind, and the less-reliable anything in it becomes.
  3. I know this thread is a year old - but the topic remains valid (specially for those of us who were gone since before the reduction) I have to ask the obvious ... why do you have Galleons in the game? More specifically, why have so many decks on them when you literally Cannot build on all of them? I get that you're running into issues with memory on instanced components on ships.. but the design you have opted to use is going to make that an issue no matter how you go about it. Simplify! Just make the Deck cost of Larges 4x as much and make it fill all of the decks at once, including the areas we fill in with ceilings now - and allow us to switch between several styles while it is still in construction mode. That takes about 70 objects down to 1 and leaves about 99% of the existing builds untouched, because everyone just fills in the gaps leaving 1 to drop a roof-ladder into anyway. And yes, ladders should be an option on masts. Two switchable models, not one model you can add another ten rope ladders to for the same effect. If the instancing is actually a problem, reducing the counts should have been a priority from the start, not something that gets shoved in late that severely cuts into the entire premise of the game.
  4. umm... Isn't that the size of the whole map?
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