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Everything posted by Naviss

  1. Ya my toon was locked on a server yesterday. Best bet would be to keep trying and see if it randomly comes back up. Mine did.
  2. This game is not ready to just play, It's ready to be fixed, tested, and balanced. It'll take time. The Dev's made outstanding progress in the way of networking and server leg within just a few days. Still a long way to go. It's best to not touch this game for a fair and balanced, along with fun gameplay experience for a few weeks. Late Jan you'll likely have something enjoyable, but still very broken and buggy! Yes, You paid money for this, But you saved money by getting in early. If you do play, don't get to serious about it, Because you'll likely lose everything many times over.
  3. Completely agree. I feel the same way. I have no urge to fight the game just to find out when I do find some land, It'll be stolen from me on a PVE server, and my boat I may work on for days grinding mats will also be gone before I even have time to wake up the next morning. I don't understand how they even let this slip by unless it was what they meant to do. But if so they need to put on their steam page that this game is only meant for 500 man Companies that has people online 24/7, and grinding mats 90% of that time. Never ever minded the grind in Ark, And I wont here either but to lose everything you grind for in the matter of hours? Why bother? A raft I can easily see lasting 3 real life days. Seems fair, even 2. Fine. But a small ship? Should last 5 days. And those large ships, Brigs / Gal's, They should EASILY last 12 to 14 days, with NORMAL upkeep. Not 10% it's overall resources every few hours lol.
  4. They worked hard to try and get as many people playing as they could. I think it's a alittle to early for me to give a positive review because of some balance issues (A big reason to review a game - not just how stable it is or isn't). People leaving a bad review over a few delays or networking / servers is just silly. Every game has those issues at launch. But I don't want to push people into the game, even if it's running smooth with current balance issues like how quickly rafts and ships decay, How easy it is - even on a pve server for someone to come along, claim your land and hard work while you're not on every minute. Ark was really bad with upkeep. But Atlas is a all new high. You have to be a no-lifer to keep anything and now a no-sleeper. I have no doubts the Dev's will start addressing these things but with their history, They often don't fix it the way it should be. And I just can't recommend a game that is this much of a responsibility.
  5. That's just insane. I keep losing my raft but last night I built my 6th one in a free port and I had it anchored, which I was under the impression when you do that the boat will slowly repair itself, which at the VERY least keep the decay rate a at much lower amount, But nope. I logged off at 3AM EST with a full health raft, Logged back on 6 hours later and it was down to 2k health. LOL! I can only imagine how people would keep a larger boat up. That's insane. Not only would it be tons of grinding, You could not have a job or be gone longer then a day. And what's the point about putting your boat in a claimed area? People will contest it and steal your boat in a hour and half anyway. This game needs many changes. I just thought Ark was bad by how much babysitting you needed to do. IE: Log on daily to feed dinos, and every few days to refresh timers but this is a all new high.
  6. Well there is still people filling these ports from what I can see. So they must feel the ones like us who can't get in is just not that big of a deal.
  7. Ya no more patches unless something big comes up.
  8. My problem is close. When I join the server, When it lets me. I have to respawn but no matter where I respawn to, Or change my home port, I just get kicked. Wont let me make a new toon either. Just kicks after I click to delete my toon.
  9. They are likely still updating.
  10. https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas https://twitter.com/Jatheish Delayed to 4:20 EST now.
  11. I use the rejoin since when going to server list and getting back on my server it makes me respawn someplace. Not go back to where I was.
  12. Oh. Well I still can't login so, That's the reason for my dumb question.
  13. Ya where are you guys getting the ETA's? I am sitting on both Atlas official and Jat's Twitter and nothing.
  14. Thanks for heads up. Would like to log back on.
  15. PVP is it's own beast, But knowing this bullshit can be done on PVE too really bothers me more then pillaring. What's the use to do anything in this game right now? Only to lose everything unless you're online 24/7 or in a mega tribe that even then may have issues if they claim a full island.
  16. Which is fine if there was land to claim or free to build a bigger ship.
  17. You can't be in a freeport area or lawless area to level past 8. And since they added SO MANY lawless zones due to population increase, It makes for a VERY long trip on a raft to make it out of both zones. I've only made it out once. And you'll be quickly greeted with all land mass on islands you find out of those zones to be claimed....
  18. Wow is this for real? That’s worse then ark. I’m playing pve to get away from trolls. Not lose all my progress in 10 minutes because I can’t babysit a game.
  19. I've tried twice now. First time my raft got stuck on the border wall and is still sitting there rubber banding. The second one I built 6 hours later due to rubber banding, I did finally make it through to a new server grid, FPS instantly went up, But I died due to no food since I didn't bother wasting 13 hours provisioning a second time. Clicked respawn on my second raft, Looked like it was going to spawn, Went to white screen. Then nothing... Popped up for me to spawn someplace else and my second raft was gone on the map.
  20. Naviss

    Update 5.2

    Wont even launch now?!
  21. I can't connect to any lawless area either.
  22. Ya I watched people sail their raft close to me and passed onto the new server grid, Both my rafts get stuck on the border wall and just stuck for good. Can never move again. Just rubber bands and lifts in the air. lol
  23. I did this twice, Well build a second raft and provision again. Took all day and night. Only for both rafts to be stuck in the ocean unable to move. Just rubber banded back over and over lol. There is no getting out of starting area~!
  24. Ya, I can't seem to connect at all either.
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