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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Thanks for the update Conch & Devs! But... Wow. These guys (Darkside RP) get it, you need to watch this. I'd recommend that you halt new content, and shift to solely optimization, bug fixing, and increasing the capability of your dev kit. There is no shame in making a great foundation for a game and then handing off more control to your players to mod. There are several developers that do this, and are very successful. It won't be easy if you've already budgeted and planned out your roadmap for development that includes content development and overhauling game mechanics. You'll also need to consider how to support console mod support as they're your growth market. Ramping down your official servers is another cost saving perk as the modded player run servers take over. Reducing customization of ships, and sea tames to pull ships. Two points in your Q&A highlight the classic error in development, I see it again and again. On one hand you're steering away from the original core game, while adding new content that destabilizes & dilutes the scope of the game. Do this- go back to the original Atlas trailers. Consider what attracted 40,000 excited players. What kind of game did they expect to play? What are the remaining active players holding out hope for? You're making the game that you think they want to play, and that's fair, but frankly you're missing the mark. I expect to see the same cycle of player population up and down after updates and wipes, but overall downward with your current strategy. TL;DR - If you don't understand the game that your players want to play, then focus on your dev kit and divert resources to optimization & bug fixes.
  2. 2 points
    To the Atlas Development Team 1.People have spent HOURS HERE on YOUR COMPANIES OFFICIAL MESSAGE BOARDS providing feedback. If anyone appreciated it you'd be saying "Hey Jimbob McGee thank you for your feedback". Its cleanly typed with points, subpoints and rebuttals. Stop redirecting and obfuscating by telling us to use discord or any other 3rd party product. 2. The new Dev Team has owned this since June of last year, throwing the old Dev Team under the bus is scapegoating and speaks volumes about the competence and honesty of the leadership . I don't even code but I KNOW an SotD loot table or blueprint quality range adjustments can be made for the ENTIRE game in less than a few hours. 3. THIS SITE IS AVAILABLE TO ALL YOUR USERS, DISCORD ISN'T. "Forward thinking lists" belong HERE. Period. Your clearly giving forum members the brush off. MMOs BEGAN ON MESSAGE BOARDS YOU BUNCH OF ASS CLOWNS. YOUR IGNORANCE AND INSINCERITY IS BEYOND COMPARE. Tough choices need to be made. Your either scared or incapable of making them. Jesus Christ, maybe if you would have said Covid was slowing progress I would have believed you, but blaming YOUR random, selfish and inconsistent progress on development of this game on people not around to defend themselves. Grow the fuck up. Your clearly running blind and trying to hide it
  3. 1 point
    Sounds about right Pull down your pants and hope they go away or stop playing on pve and just kill the fuckers.
  4. 1 point
    Tread carefully here devs. Simplifying this system will likely lose the hardcore player base.
  5. 1 point
    Even if it is interior or exterior from this video I'd be happy
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