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Everything posted by LongDongSilver

  1. not sure on the exact math per flag, but seems 4 hours is 1 flag, once you hit 100 flags its 15mins
  2. As post says, my personal feelings, and I could be wrong as a whole here but most people ive spoken with agree, the current meta of stacking high damage % BP heavy cannons on a ship mainly front and back is killing the fun in the naval fights for me, when I saw ATLAS I hope for some real naval broadside to broadside action, people committing to fights and may the best man win style, but what we have ended up with seems to be completely different. Most people are stacking heavys front and back (sometimes side too) the idea being rear heavys allow you perfect ability to fight but also disengage at will, and front heavys great for chasing down and breaking sails, as good as that setup is what im finding is this, you engage for a battle, both ships are the same setup, what then happens is both ships spend 45mins sailing towards eachother then turning to allow the large amount of rear cannons to fire and never actually getting anywhere, or 1 ship wants to engage and the other will just kite forever with the rear battery. I personally would like to see heavy cannons removed from boats, or restricted to galleon size only, or at very least a much bigger penalty for having them mounted on a smaller ship, much higher weight when mounted on a ship increasing the smaller the ship is would work good. How does everyone else feel about the current meta for naval battles?
  3. EU PVP - its in polar region, for obvious reasons I will not reveal company info on the forums
  4. The land claim system protects you from this happening, not sure why it would kill off the population, unless of course your stuck in lawless with nowhere to go, in which case you just need somebody that has surplus land available. On a side note, if anyone is looking for land on EU PVP drop me a PM I can fix you up
  5. Sick of being wiped on lawless islands? just want a new home maybe? we have land available in polar region to company's of 5 or more members. We are also recruiting for our company as well, maybe your a smaller group looking to jump into something bigger? Whatever your looking for, drop me a PM I can probably help.
  6. Anyone can rock up ANYWHERE on a lawless island, place a mortar and just obliterate you while you sleep without having to take a claim, personally I wouldn't even consider living in lawless
  7. Land Available to good settlers, no charge, tax rate set at 30% outside of your own claims, max 4 flags per company
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