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Pirate Bruiser

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About Pirate Bruiser

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  1. Hopefully its fixed for you by now 8Ball, but I was kicked out, and then 2 mins later was able to log in ok.
  2. Ahh..ok thanks. Didn't get any pop ups saying returned resources so didn't think it happened.
  3. Has there been any posts on why you don't get some resources back when destroying a cannon placed on your own ship? I cannot think of why this would be a decision by the developers and why they wouldn't give back half or even 25% of the loot etc? Doesn't make sense to me so hoping someone can ?
  4. Im back up, Hydra pve K11. Did load up before temp but couldn't interact with anything, now back in and all seems fine...……... However too scared to do anything in case it crashes and I start sailing or using a pet. Time for some naked harvesting I suppose.
  5. don't want to jinx it, but 6 hours later...seem to be logging in. PVE Hydra and I was at K10 Update yes, I am in but cant interact with anything, so stuck in my ship and cant open the door Then..... timed out (this is all too familiar to the battle eye issues the other patch again)
  6. Bloody Steam...always stuffing us around. Oh wait...no all my other steam games work still.
  7. Quick mate jump on you tube videos and pretend you are playing.... its working for me for now.
  8. Please don't make me have to talk to my family today...… get the game back up and running lol.
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