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Everything posted by FloBot

  1. Welcome all. As many other PvE players I do share my concern towards the upcoming changes. Throughout history of atlas most big updates and changes have really been originated from PvP issues. I hope in the future we see more changes aimed at improving PvE servers too. Of course a map change will be good for alleviating some of the issues we previously had: time to sail from A to B, deserted grids...But hopefully you have some plans for Skill Tree and player progression too, while taking in account PvE side of the game ofc. For example in PvE we never really really had a need to make mythical ships, they were more of a trophy ship. So i hope we will get more reasons in the future to use them. More ships, more base building options (gib decorations), some better ship and base painting (the small things that matter you know?) Many assumed from your statements that there will be no PvE servers anymore which i think it's wrong because there was a statement about the PvE regions combining into one server. Hopefully lag won't be too bad for both parts of the world. Looking forward to the future of Atlas, it is my ideal type of game and I'd love to come back to it when there's more content. (I already put 1700 hours in PvE and I want more) Thanks, Helkhiana.
  2. Looking to buy 1-2 flags worth of land in North Eastern Temperate zones in EU PVE, preferably M4. We have plenty of gold, some BPs and loads of resources. Contact me on discord FloBot#0101
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