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Everything posted by Hexz

  1. Trying to create a Policy against team work is a slippery slope, in majority of cases your just going to end up hurting the little guys more then the big guys and its always going to be a wobbly line. I mean lets be honest telling people that will get banned for working together.. yeah that's not a good way to get respect from your players. Honestly trying to create some extra subset of rules like that is terrible.
  2. I would have split option 1 up. I'd assume the population will be between 5-10k. If the chances and patch are well received that could create a chain effect that increased the player base in the following weeks.
  3. D12 is Currently down, from reddit post it seems as its been that way for several hours now, we just sailed a brand new galleon into the zone on our way for a trade deal and can't get into the game either. Seriously concerned going to lose the ship and cargo, including one of our best elephants please help devs
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