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Everything posted by conditionalChaos

  1. I agree with most of the things on Lotus' list. Primarily that if you want to make this game different than ark you have to make the animals useful but not the best at everything. Give them the utility functions but make travelling out foot not a death wish. I love the concept of having them passively generate the associated resources while on wander. Adding to this. Add a Corral/Pasture type object for animals set to wander. potentially something similar to the leash that restricts wander range. Let the gather animals keep their associated gather type to go with the passive gather. If this means for balance the passive gather needs to be low return that's fine. But the less time we spend just straight farming the more time we get to build/explore. MAKE A BETTER THATCH GATHERER. I don't care if it's the Bull or the Giraffe but it needs to happen. Regarding Alphas. Why are they even in game? most wild animals go to 30 and alphas go to 250. it's practically impossible to fight them on foot. Even on tames I'll avoid almost every alpha fight that isn't stuff like chickens. On a similar note, Cyclops & Elementals (both fire and Rock) don't have too much counter at the moment. I know cyclops you can ballista to the eye. but if it catches you on land it can stun lock you, knock you off a mount, and then murder you. Fire elementals aggro from very far, and have ranged attacks that cause tick damage. I want to explore those islands not just run through as fast as i can cause the best way to do the end game content is by running in naked. Regarding breeding. I haven't even bothered to try because at the moment I don't have the time to commit to attempting to spend 2-3 days trying to keep something alive when i have bare minimum methods to control the temperature. I don't have that kind of play time. Why can we not ride the horses bareback? are there any animals that will have the option of no saddle? organic paste is needed for so many other things needing it for every saddle too really limits early gameplay.
  2. I'm having this issue with medium gunports, shows highlighted as if i can craft just won't, tried relogging, i guess i can try a re-spec or a new smithy too EDIT: figured it out, while the smithy is showing the new crafting cost it's still costing the original amount for gunports, once i bumped up my resources to the original cost i can craft it EDIT 2: make sure the server is updated since the patch changing gunport crafting cost, that's why i was having issues, we hadn't restarted/updated unofficial server. Was showing the new crafting cost but using the old original.
  3. If they want this to be a different game they are failing. If you don't want animals to be the end game for pvp and combat that's fine. But if you want this to be a pirate game focused on exploration and ships make gathering easier. Give the animals weight reduction. Make them good for harvesting and carrying. I don't care if my elephant an rhino can take on mythical creatures it's not what they are for. But they should have enough health and weight to help me gather materials so it doesn't take me a week to replace one sunken ship. I played for 5 hours yesterday just gathering resources so I could defend our base against wild animals so I didn't have to worry about getting attacked at my house. Give the elephant back his wood reductions, give the rhino metal and stone weight reduction, make the giraffe actually better than gathering thatch by hand. Let us have assistance in building up for those small groups that aren't 200+ people in one company.
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