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José Gaspar

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Everything posted by José Gaspar

  1. making jumping a boat a death sentence is a good fix? Can't give a another player a ride, cannot show your boat to another player?
  2. Thanks the punching worked, now just my body is bouncing like the hockey puck. WORST FIX EVER.
  3. Jumped on a raft to get to shore and now and floating above it bouncing like a puck on a air hockey table. I can even eat the crap in my inventory while floating, full vitamins and full water and food, so just sitting there until I die of hunger in, been 15 minutes so far. no signs of dying soon. edit: even logging off and back on, no change. out of stamina, weathers food, still plenty of food and water level, how long am I on this prison?
  4. Problem with joining company of people you do not know is they can kick you out and you loose everything you worked for, ships buildings. etc, Only left with what you are carrying. There needs to be some cost to maintaining land in PvE. Right now, if you first to claim you get the work of others for no effort. I have seen 20+ claims by company that all they have is a small box house, a sloop and a Galleon skeleton in the slip.
  5. While this claim idea seams nice, almost every server official or unofficial is immediately completely claimed and allows new players to start at a GREAT disadvantage. In PvE the is absolutely no reason for a player to claim everything he can as fast as he can and set tax rate to 30%. Until that changes, PvE is going to suck if you do not have a claim.
  6. To bad they do not support ABC format, LOTRO did that and there were full on multipart concerts in-game.
  7. Will players that quit the game (or not playing on that server) and sleeping in a safe place EVER be deleted? This seems to be a fundamental problem with Atlas Land Claiming. Since you can have a player on every server, If you manage to claim a land space build a small hut and then log off, that area is now un-claimable to the game forever. This game requires there be some form character deletion for inactive players and companies. I would suggest no more than month (there may be as the EA has not been out a month) In PvP there is ways to deal with it, but In PvE the land is not every claimable until the character is removed.
  8. I think Metal Armor should get great buffs against melee, canon fire, and non-flame arrows. against fire arms it would be negligible protection as those would pierce armor and flame also should bypass it like it does now. On the downside you should not be able swim at all in metal armor and even leather would be slow. And with metal you will sink, so if you fall off ship into deep water in metal armor, task #1 would be get the armor off. Unless you want to walk on bottom, then would be desired armor.
  9. The main problem is there really is no downside in PvE to claim as much area as possible and cranking up the taxes to 30%. Options I see: Encourage lower taxes by making the owners pay taxes at same rate as other. - Is that the tax rate is paid for ALL players including company members, then the same tax rate is applied to what the bank receives and that is removed from game. The officers would decide how the taxes are spent. This would encourge also to recuit people to harvest in you area and provide reason to go to you area vs others. Encourage players only to claim what the need or can afford - Taxes must be paid in a Freeport bank once a month at a rate based on total claim area the company controls. The rate would be on an Arithmetic Progression and based on the amount of land created divided by the number of people in the company. Large Company would be taking great risks delivering the amount of gold needed to pay the taxes, single player claims and companys with small claims and meny member the effort would be trival. If this tax is not paid "ALL" the claims are removed. While the ideas above may not be what is needed, there does need a reason for a PvE Company not to claim everyplace the can and put max taxes.
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