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Everything posted by vaylain

  1. Then I guess you have no clue how a true sandbox works. The community does, in fact, police themselves. They form social structures and military factions to battle over the control and order of certain territories. They form server-wide rules and customs to ensure a certain level of harmony. This all without the intervention from any outside entities, IE: developers.
  2. Naw, I only play official since you cannot trust any unofficial server. They make drastic sudden gameplay changes or may just cancel the server all-together, leaving you with nothing and wasting all of your time. No thanks, I prefer the stability of the Official Servers, from the Official Company. *I mitigate the boring sailing part by AFK-sailing at the borders of the maps and setting up lots of one-by-one bunkers on notable islands to fast travel for return visits. I would, actually love to sail in this game IF Grapeshot had made this more of an adventure game, where every island was unique with adventure, treasures, loot, monsters, and beasts but the game does not have this aspect I am afraid. Instead, almost all islands feel exactly the same, so the only real reason to travel around the map is for discovery points and resources...boring!
  3. This is what happens when the devs don't actually play the game they are designing... A PVP game where there is only a small window to actually PVP is really a dumb idea. "Um, attention every on this island...Our company wishes to attack you tomorrow, say about...3pm! You scallywaggers, all better be ready to die, each and every one of you, arrrrg!!!!" Quit screwing this IP up and just remove the claim system as you do not know what you guys are doing! Please, just convert all of the islands to Lawless, except the Freeports and let the player community police ourselves.
  4. OK, ya just trolling to be trolling, I see through your facade.
  5. Considering that players are limited to the ineffective, defensive measures that the devs have created for us and the current AI system is extremely buggy/vulnerable to player intuition and abuse. This is hardly a childish protective measure on lawless. Ark veterans have been using these kinds of defensive game mechanics for years for a reason. It is efficient and unfortunately, necessary. I certainly rather there was better defensive measure implemented into the game and look forward to better mechanics added to Atlas in the future but for now... That new claim system suggested is even worse than the original. They managed to turn a PVP world into an emo PVE server with only a small window for PVP. That is freaking weird and not my idea of PVP. Also, the settlers (slaves/peasants) do not get to build offensive measure during the off period and yet they can get attacked by their landlords without warning, rhyme, or reason. What in the hell, that is fricking stupid. I personally love the Lawless Servers the way they were before. Time will tell. Until then, don't be such a mindless NPC and get all butthurt about this though.
  6. The foundation spamming on Lawless servers is necessary. Since the devs, in their ultimate wisdom (sarcasm), decided to half the distance radius for blocking other player structures from being build near your base, you need to spam a series of foundations. Enough foundations to actually prevent any other player from placing theirs, otherwise, they will drop a foundation near your base, place a cannon, and offline raid you. Spamming foundations is our only real defense as AI units are never a sound solution by themselves against a real player.
  7. Yep, they are finally implementing the "S+ mod" into the official servers! Now if they would only remove the Managarmr from being able to transfer into the Aberration servers. That flyer ruins Aberration completely =(
  8. I never argued that the devs were "NOT" listening to us. In fact, I argued that they have been and that we need to continue to provide feedback concerning what is working and what is not to ensure that the game is built as successfully as possible. This was in rebuttal to your previous smart-ass notion that we should crowd-fund and build our own game and take user feedback to direct our game design efforts and then see where this would lead us. you were insinuating that we would end up with a piece of dysfunctional crap. Now it looks as if you turned a complete 180 and agree that the devs do appreciate our feedback and that they use the community feedback to help them learn what is working and what is not. This is a team effort as we all have vested interest and wish for a successful Atlas build.
  9. Or...we could let the devs make a game, allow them to charge us to "beta test" their game, provide them absolutely no feedback or suggestions, and allow the devs to implement broken or undesirable aspects that may piss off a significant amount of their current player base and see what happens. I wonder what that would look like? Probably just like the hundreds of trash titles that have already been forgotten shortly after their unimpressive retail launches. By the way, most of the changes they are implementing right now are due largely because of the feedback they had received from us over the past couple of months. The devs are extremely adept at filtering through all of our posts, extracting and inferring exactly what they need to do their jobs, so what are you talking about? Maybe we could find a happy medium? Quit being such a melodramatic douche.
  10. If I understand this wipe correctly, this is like when God cast out the flood upon the face of Earth. What good will come from it? I agree that there are things that require a fix but fixing them by chaotically destroying everything from the server is just taking the "lazy" route. (I helped by translating this post and I was very bored since I cannot play Atlas right now until the update...)
  11. WTH are you talking about? Pirates were always raiding small coastal towns and villages.
  12. Screw you. You go back to ARK you pompous piece of crap. The only reason I can over to play this game was that it was extremely close to how ARK was played, minus the toxic "I must raid ever base" mentality and a new spice of the pirate life. Atlas was going awesome until this new PVP proposal. What a load of crap.
  13. Screw their update suggestions. The submarine will only be acquired and playable by the largest of companies. The PVE is going to be absolutely devastated by the proposed changes and really was unnecessary. The PVP servers, the whole new claim system is utter crap and making the only PVP viable during a vulnerable window of pre-arranged time? Have they lost their freaking minds? The island owner can only be one company and only they can attack the settlers (slaves) during off-time? WTH?! This is totally nuts! The game was going great ever since they reduced the cost to build stone structures and provided 300% damage resistance to anchored ships. Finally, the game was awesome. Now their current game suggestions are going to completely F'up the game beyond all recognition and reason. I am totally NOT onboard for their new changes. I feel completely bait and switched.
  14. When you get older, have a career, and have responsibilities, you will also find that your time is much more valuable and wasting your free time playing and acquiring tames and a decent base build that is just going to get wiped is a major load of crap and a serious waste of time. So yes, I take this seriously. If I had known all along that they were just going to wipe us, I would not have even paid for the game in the first place and would have waited for the actual release instead.
  15. I was reviewing the forums real fast in hopes they the devs might have suddenly felt compelled to change their minds but it seems that still plan to ruin their IP anyways...
  16. You can't do crap until the wipe. Screw that, I am not wasting any time farming for their inevitable wipe. It's a waste of time. The crap that they proposed to change the game is worse in my eyes. I am already looking for a game replacement for me to start playing as this game is seriously gone to hell now and with the wipe, I have absolutely no reason to play now as all of my hours were wasted.
  17. Why in the hell would you tell us so early before you implement this major, game-changing update? For the rest of the month, until you make the changes and screw us all over with a server wipe, there will be absolutely NO reason to even log in and play the game. Oh, and you can keep your stupid cosmetic and shove it up...
  18. The problem is, they are taking money for their EA and this gives us the right to bitch when the devs implement things that make us unhappy. We are now paying, (despite the EA clause) for their product, so we now have a vested interest as well. I am NOT one of those "youngsters" that you speak of. Trust me, I have spent most of my life beta testing games. Back then, we tested their games and provided our feedback but we were also granted access to their games for free. We really could not bitch about it since it was free. This whole EA bullshit is just that "Bullshit". An excuse to charge money for their unfinished product where you still test out their product and they can live behind the protection of their EA clauses while neglecting their customers and typically abandoning their IP.
  19. Looks like you may get your wish to play all by yourself, just like you do nightly with your right hand...
  20. Because their last major patched actually made me want to continue so there is hope that they will NOT wipe the servers after all, moron.
  21. Gee, as long as you will be the only one happy, I guess that is a good thing then...
  22. If you wipe us on Lawless lands, I am done playing this game. This would mean that I have wasted hundreds of hours that I have invested in exploring and playing this game since the beginning. You just screwed your faithful player base that had stuck with Atlas since the beginning through thick and thin. The only allure I had left keeping me in the game was my one-hundred-year-old character, exploration points, tames, and base locations! And how is this all supposed to help out us solo players? What is stopping all of the mega companies from just using Discord and split up their current mega company into units that will claim their own islands and a consorted effort to control major cluster of islands anyways? A new submarine that only the mega companies can acquire and afford to use and enjoy, gee thanks! Oh and by the way, here come all of the foundation spams...
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