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Everything posted by WildDaisy

  1. We've at least used the Sushi for areas where the heat is so hot that it kills you, even with sitting in the water. It cools you down one level for a period of time until the heat wave passes. Also the Song of the Sea is beneficial when diving. Others have some buff stat benefits, but not so great that there is a super need for them. But the sushi, we always have on hand
  2. Just make it from sap and fiber. Both are plentiful and take seconds to make. Sugar Cane - Tropical Zones Honey - Tropical/Low Desert Sugars - Tropical/Low Desert Syrup - Temperate Gum - Equatorial
  3. No one has the time to breed. The time to adolescence is so astronomically long. Then it doesnt feed itself on the trough and dies anyway. Breeding not worth it until they fix it.
  4. Yup, well aware of the mechanics of painting, but nothing works, only opposite sides can paint. As if the schematics for the template on the file side are only halfed. Only opposite sides can paint (right tail, left feathers, right head plumes) So turning around I can attempt to paint, but nothing goes onto the template to actually take the color on those sides.
  5. Can only paint half of the animal. For instance on a parrot, paint only takes to one wing, one side of the rear tail and one side of the head. The opposite sides will not accept paint.
  6. The triangle wedge pieces for building need to be equilateral triangles so that all sides of the pieces match with the square pieces. Otherwise building is off. Also, you need to add the Roof Caps (square, end piece and open piece so that roof tops can be closed off without making it a flat top using ceiling tiles.
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