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Everything posted by Everett_Hayward

  1. Hey, my computer is pretty decent. 4790k, 16gigs of ram with gigabit internet. I wanted to host a server to play with one or two friends just to spawn in all the game content and look around. I don't think I'll be able to run a 4x4 server, but I'd like to know if 2x2 is possible. I don't want to condense to just one single grid. Will I be able to run a 2x2?
  2. since you nerfed firearms for PVP reasons, us people over in the land of PVE are paying for it. Can't kill a cow by shooting it in the head with a pistol. Need to use a blunderbuss and two pistol shots to take down ONE croc. What if theres more than one croc? Dead. edit: I don't want to play a game where bows are the meta over FIREARMS!!
  3. Not going to lie, I feel I got extremely lucky getting a piece of land the day after launch. Days afterwards I had dozens of people come by asking if there was any unclaimed land nearby. Some of them more polite than others. Some people resorted to claiming "land" in the middle of the shallow bay area. I genuinely feel bad for people who didn't get to claim their own land because they were a little late to the party.
  4. This firearms nerf is too much. My blunderbuss would do (45 damage x hit amount) to a croc before the patch. This would literally save my life especially when I was being chased by more than one at a time. Now my blunderbuss will do (25 x hit amount) and won't even come close to killing the thing, that is a crazy big nerf! Pistols also went from doing between 140-180 to 75 per hit?! I need a full hotbar of pistols to take down one croc. Then there's the two more behind it that also want to eat me. It's not viable or practical anymore compared to the bow.
  5. A damage falloff would be a good idea. They just nerfed guns HARD. Too hard. Literally by 50%+
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