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Calypso Sangrael

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Everything posted by Calypso Sangrael

  1. Honestly Percieval, that was one really poor reply. I did make it out of Freeport, and if you were paying attention to threads you would know by now that there was a glitch. What a surprise. It is in Alpha, and they want feedback. Therefore, I will make comments I hope dev's read, with the goal that my comments - in concert with others - makes the game better. Again, it was released in Alpha to get feedback. Therefore, my advice to you is this: If you have nothing positive to say to other players...say nothing at all. Another wise saying is this: Better to stay quiet and have people think you're a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  2. Not with this game, it doesn't! Of course I haven't discovered how to fill my water bags...and only know how to drink by - after hitting X - hitting "E" and left clicking (I do each rapidly and randomly, and it seems to work). I really don't know the secret. Is there a special handshake that only the developers know about? LOL! Not easy because it isn't intuitive...like almost everything in this game. I personally like the "survival" aspect to be a part of the npc challenges and quests...NOT in silly arcane control mechanics and environmental/biological maintenance. It is actually easier to run around naked with things of value in storage...and then just die rather than try to keep up with three food types plus water, etc. Are South Koreans involved in this game? They are notorious for this sort of development. Of course, that's unfair...Aheron's Call wasn't S. Korean, and had similar mechanics. You didn't want to die on the far side of the map and have to retrieve your body amidst a group of hostile mobs....Hmm, I went off-topic. Seems fitting though, because this game is rather random. Maybe after I've played a while I'll see "the light".
  3. I'm a bit weary after many hours of playing, but i hope Devs will read this, regardless. I should start by dating myself . I cut my teeth on mmo's with Asheron's Call. I went on to Shadowbane (a very cool innovative, but "ahead - of - it's - time" MMO). Then followed Hammerfall, Aion, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, Black Desert Online, etc.... I LOVE innovators! And I love what Atlas is attempting. That is why I laughed when my first log -in (and 2nd, for that matter) landed me in the ocean where I was eaten by sharks. I finally ended up on a Freeport wharf (after another ignominious death at sea) and was delighted to begin playing. In the course of my adventures I was killed and my sloop destroyed at the server border (my first ramshackle sloop). And I constructed two others...the first of which was destroyed at the wharf because I was unaware it would despawn soon after creation...but the third got me out of FREE PORT HELL (and I am currently using it)!!! A friend who is almost as old as I am, and has also traveled the mmo highway, joined the game ahead of me and we laugh ourselves to tears recalling our misadventures on this game. As I wrote, I finally made it out of the Freeport zone and was disturbed to discover that while I was level 11, level 3 critters could ambush and kill me (when my stamina, etc, was low). Also, experience doesn't give me a clear advantage over lesser antagonists. For example: When I was L11, it took me FOREVER to kill a L3 critter. When I finally did kill it I was immediately killed by another L3 npc (because I had chased the first all over the island, and my avatar was low on stamina, etc). Don't get the wrong impression!!!! I really like the sea-faring nature of the game. I like the fact that I don't have to really expend (waste) a lot of time farming for resources because it's easier to die and replenish at full (well..half) health. Maybe Dev's could think about that and find a happy medium. Also, kudos to the Devs who created the sea! I love it's changeable nature (both in color and in it's mercurial physical appearance, and navigational challenges - such as wind direction). In any case, I love the concept. Shadowbane attempted the same thing years ago (a massive mmo format) and sadly, failed. We used to call it "Shadowlag", lol! Atlas is attempting the same thing (a Massive MMO)...and when I stop and compare it to earlier games I have to give it a thumbs up! For an alpha release (which I normally disdain and feel is ill-advised)I think it's WAY ahead of the curve. My only constructive criticism at this this point would be to suggest that the player ability to kill lesser creatures be scaled more realistically. After all, in real life we become stronger, more proficient hunters with experience. But at the same time keep those d***** alpha creatures lurking about to keep us on our toes! Also, thank you for eliminating the plethora of crocodiles, etc that made islands so difficult to approach. I must admit that as a real life hunter and fisherman I find this game more challenging (and unrealistic) in that respect. My sense is that the focus is on battling ghost ships in pve, and other guilds in pvp. If that is the case, foraging for food (ie: fish, etc) shouldn't be quite so difficult...at least not so difficult that it makes it is easier to die rather than try to heal. That is my "two-bits" at this point. Since it is "alpha" (which I normally detest...but I am here playing anyway) I will give you Devs the best feedback I can...and I won't even demand financial compensation! What a deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  4. Thank you guys! I will try once again! Onward and outward...and all that bloody rubbish!!!! I have to warn you though...if my boat disintigrates ONE MORE TIME I'm going to throw a tantrum and rage quit. I'll be certain to make it entertaining
  5. I'm sorry for laughing but this is as good as the female character who keeps growing a beard!!! I can laugh because I'm stuck in Freeport Hell (my boats keep getting nuked at the server line) and all I have left to do is occasionally read the forums...and I must say, they are sometimes VERY entertaining.
  6. Well, I tried to get out of the D8 Freeport twice and my ramshackle sloop fell apart. The THIRD time I built one I left it overnight (last night) at the wharf and today it was gone, along with storage and bed. The map shows it out by the C8 border, and I have no way (and no desire at this point) to try and get it. I am at L8 and since it's a Freeport I can no longer level, so there's really nothing left for me to do. At this point I discouraged a couple friends from joining the game as it is unplayable for people just starting out. I have a friend who got in early, has land, etc, and he will tell me when Devs are ready to make it playable to a larger group. I understand it's alpha, and while I think early releases without basic pretesting is the kiss of death for a game, this one might have potential. So, you guys keep reprting gliches, and people like me will say farewell for a while and wait for friends to tell us when it's playable.
  7. On another thread everyone is complaining that rafts and sloops are disintigrating at the server boundry, so it is a bug that evidently occured during the last patch. I have a couple friends who threw up their hands and quit. When I joined I was unaware it was an alpha release. If I had known that I wouldn't have wasted my time (beta releases are irritating enough). I'm going to wait a while before I play again. Hopefully the devs will make it marginally playable. I have to admit though...I do love the various complaints on the forums. I particularly like the player whose female character inexplicably grew a beard! LOL!
  8. I am so sad to hear that. I built a 2nd one (after losing the 1st at the border) and left it by the wharf. I expect it will be gone when I wake up. If so, I'm just going to troll the forums and wait for an announcement that the bug is fixed and the game is at least marginally playable. If I had known it was Alpha I would not have joined. Beta is usually bad enough.
  9. I hate to admit it, but I've been laughing about this for some time. I am, however, very sorry for you. I am stuck in a Freeport and can't leave because my ramshackle sloop falls apart at the server boundry...but I feel much better about that now! Thank you and good luck! Long live Alpha releases, eh?
  10. I can't leave the Freeport because the Ramshackle Sloop disintigrates when I cross servers!! LOL!!! I'll wait a couple weeks before I play again because I can't contribute to the Beta improvements (being stuck in Freeport Hell!). But it IS Beta, so you expect gliches...especially when it's a tortured, forced, incomplete release. I have died numerous times in the ocean, however, and I'd like to complement the team who worked on the sea. It's very nice to look at.
  11. @Huck Finnley: The same thing happened to me about an hour ago. I'm going to stay away from the game for a couple weeks. I expect bugs, but these are pretty significant. I mean...I'm stuck because of bugs in Freeport Hell when I'd rather suffer bugs in Lawless Hell!!!!
  12. It just happened to me. I was crossing to a new server and the Ramshackle fell to pieces (hence, the name Ramshackle, I guess). So many bugs right now. I think I'll wait a couple weeks before playing again. About 1/2 of my many deaths on the Freeport Island have been due to bugs. My "favorites" were spawning in the ocean and getting killed immediately by sharks. I foolishly thought the Freeport would be better, but my fiend who made to a lawless island assures me it's tougher there. But hey! It's Beta.
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