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Everything posted by killer8529

  1. so today you gave us the ranked figure heads i think its stupid that you loose the figure heads the moment you go down a rank its stupid being rank one is a challenge being rank one for a long period of time IS INSANE not even wow on of the top mmo's have guilds that last months at a time at the top if your going to have that have it only for the in-game names not the figure heads figure heads should show that people have been number one or give the company something that shows that they have been number one like with removing figure heads and replacing them with your current rank that's just i don't know if anyone has a issue with it but i for one do
  2. dont even bother unless your in a situation where the island your on isnt very active with players it wil take 6 HOURS to claim it just saying been at the same spot two entire days still havnt claimed it
  3. my bigest issue with the current system is the fact that the flags go up based on a ten mintue timer so right now i am trying to claim a single place that the owners are have left the game and since there is a six hour wait taking there flag down i was like ok all good but the moment you get contested for like 2 mins there goes HOURS of work waiting its fucking rediculess i have been at the same spot for two days and still havnt been able to claim it for if a single person walks near it its resets like WTH like i am all good with the current system IF they make it that it goes up when being contested at the same rate it goes down other wise you can be there for days weeks
  4. so today we noticed a few things one was we have a group that our toxic on the island we currently reside on. nothing new but now we have flags placed inside our claims and other things which is annoying but now they are some how placing flags right next to our base even though we have people there and other people out side our tribe cant even place a flag WTH is this stuff ment to happen. where atlas shrugged.
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