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About W00P4

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  • Birthday 01/27/1996
  1. @Fefu Can you tell me at what time is the FOY there? is it a fixed time location?
  2. It was just for that time, its only one active atm
  3. I tottaly agree and LOVE your post, is just amazing the mechanics that you published, many people already though about the same ideas, so yes THANK you for posting them, and so well done, its true that the game lack indeed an economic system, and it wouldnt hurt if existed, its necessary that it does! Atm i play in EU PVP server, and i can tell you that the game isnt fun for small groups, as per there is no proper protection, we're easily raided by larger groups, or simply are forced to join bigger companies to actually do something, then there's the companies interests of PVP that forces you to either farm like a slave or get kicked and back to square one, the game is meant to have fun, and with so many skill trees and so much freedom, there's players that likes to play on piracy, but there's also people that likes to farm, and cook, and just build a house, have just dont do that much pvp, i cant believe that a PVP server must be only made to pvp things, its just not fair, not balanced and that's not fun at all. So yeah i tottaly agree with your ideas, and i hope Devs can actually see this post, and gather most of your ideas and put it into the game :DD Still we all know this is an alpha game, and it will take a time to make this really happen, but im up for that!
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