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Everything posted by Crumpet_love

  1. What do you mean refresh your flags? there hasn't been any changes to the flag claiming system apart from the initial 3 day protection, once that is gone it does not refresh even if you are active. Technically you can remove the flag and reclaim to get the 3 day protection again but that's a risky move for high populated areas.
  2. I like the idea of capping claims per character, however my concern is the resource factor if every flag claim had a building, shipyard and all that jazz on it. Islands would not be very sustainable. So perhaps keep it lowish for solo players (3 or so) and tribes maybe get a bonus claim for x amount of people in the tribe (more people means more space needed). The claiming and contesting needs to be looked at. You could make it like the lawless area buildings....decay in 4 days if you don't go on it, then if it doesn't get refreshed by the player the claim vanishes becoming free. That way all the claim spams will go because those people are not going to be sailing everyday to all of their points. Though that does run into the issue of say if people lose their internet connection and can't get on to refresh, or holidays..hospital stays (unfortunate life stuff getting in the way), it would make it a little unfair so you could add in a feature to select one flag as a main base, to allow more time on that one or if someone sleeps on it, it can't be claimed for a longer time. You could even add in some more Islands on the map too, there is plenty of room for that.
  3. Yeah the message pops up no matter where you are. only issue i found is there is no way to look at a log. It flashes up for a couple of seconds then gone, i can't find it again to check. If i was to pee and miss the message i could happily carry on sailing not knowing someone is stealing my base?
  4. Oh...so would this count for tribe owners only being able to take down flags contesting land? I got one flag on an island i put up before joining our clans tribe and someone tried to steal it yesterday, i couldn't reverse their flag at all but our tribe leader came over to help and reversed it.
  5. I dont think it even got to the update yet, it just went down and is still not up.
  6. Isn't the 3 day thing supposed to be like an active 3 days? so as long as you login your claim cannot be taken? If so it doesn't work. We had people trying to take our land today and we are active. It's ridiculous that within 1 hour you can lose everything. Also one particular person trying to steal my base was letting their flag tick over, so i had to sit there until they got bored to save my base and the rest of the island pressured them to take down that flag. There isn't even a way to get rid of their flag which is contesting mine (i tried sitting on their flag or clicking on it but nothing happens). More thought needs to go into it for PVE especially.
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