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Everything posted by Gloomshade

  1. We've replaced all our flags, idiots next door have not, we're losing so much land. It doesnt matter that our flags are new, we're still losing the land. It definately doesnt work.
  2. Yeah we've lost 2 territories today, all flags replaced post 7.2 currently standing on both spots with like 2mins left for the thieves claim flags....literally spent the last 3 hours of the game standing in one spot to stop someone stealing our land.
  3. I was travelling between two zones on my raft, and died in a strange instant way, Instead of respawn it asked me to create a new character. I closed it down opened the game again, getting constant disconnects while trying to connect, when i can connect it either asks me for a new character or gives me a respawn option, respawning anywhere but home region is a disconnect, respawning at home region half the time spawns me back out on the raft, where i have 3-4 more of my character standing around on the raft, the raft itself on the map is glitching between zones. If I spawn on that raft it disconnects me after telling me im travelling between zones. Made another raft from home region tried to sail back out there to kill my clones, because, there can be only ONE. Now I have 2 rafts glitching between the zones. Have restarted my router and PC, IP has changed.
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