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Everything posted by Ubung

  1. Thats why I never played those games they are not to my taste. As this was similar to ark in many respects I thought i wouldn't have an issue with this game. To be honest it all depends on how difficult it is to find a fountain or have a child. Still i would like it not to be there OR be a feature that doesn't involve skill loss. Also im on the pve server.
  2. Im against this mechanic as I believe there shouldnt be anything in the game that makes you lose all skill points. There are better ways to do a death penalty if the game really needs it. You already drop everything when you die.
  3. If the patch is not out then why did my tamed wolf lose 200hp?
  4. Wolf is tier 2 saddle. This link has a list of all the animals, their tier and the food required to tame them. https://atlas.gamepedia.com/Taming As for best animal Ive only tried wolfs and tigers and they both seem good.
  5. I can access the large container and doors my friend crafted and placed. He put a pin lock on it and I can access it by being in his company. Without having to enter a pin.
  6. I ended up building a base in lawless as nothing was free and its gone well. Built a bed on a raft parked next to my base and it seems no different. Just built my first sloop so progression is fine. Though id recommend being quick, I noticed my island filling up with new people. Im on whispering island with a friend. On topic id be devastated to lose everything. The claiming right now sucks.
  7. thank you, didnt think to look there.
  8. Im hearing mention of an event but I cant find any information of it on the website. Anyone know how long it will last?
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