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Everything posted by tlqiqiqi

  1. I would like to make a few points here: 1. In China, there are really really a tremendous number of game players/lovers. 2. In China, a true game lover/player will always oppose cheating tool or cheating system which break the gaming balance. We shared the same value with gamers from other parts of the world. Please trust me, I am responsible for my words. (P.S., in China there are specific news reporting usual player got attached by cheaters. We strongly disgust such behavior and call those cheaters as ‘orphan’. 3. Based on Chinese official census report(not completed), there are 1.4 billion population in China. Game players took one third of them, which means around 0.5 billion Chinese people love games. 4. The organizer and leader of CSTG is a famous Chinese game streamer. He always participates in the Chinese online or offline public game related events, communicate with worldwide famous video game companies, personally dedicated on pushing the game culture’s development and propagation. Most of his fans(more than 99.999%) are loyal game players and game lovers. 5. CSTG as a gaming association/company has been founded 4 years ago, though it’s in its earlier stage compared to other bigger association. I want to emphasize here: CSTG has long-term gaming experience as well as initial beta testing experience in all kinds of famous online game. In the ATLAS department of CSTG we have 1 person directly supervise the whole association, and 7 others directing sub-divisions. We have more than 10 tribes, total population more than 800. We can also mobilize at least 200 people in a small encounter combat. With such large association, do you think CSTG needs cheating to prevail? And who would believe that our association will use such dirty and despicable means to sabotage a fair gaming environment we cherish the most? Lastly, we as Chinese game players are strongly oppose and combating with those cheaters. We hope to build a benign, favorable, balanced, happy gaming environment with gamers around the world. Please trust our faith and determination if you are a true gamer too!!!!!!
  2. I would like to make a few points here: 1. In China, there are really really a tremendous number of game players/lovers. 2. In China, a true game lover/player will always oppose cheating tool or cheating system which break the gaming balance. We shared the same value with gamers from other parts of the world. Please trust me, I am responsible for my words. (P.S., in China there are specific news reporting usual player got attached by cheaters. We strongly disgust such behavior and call those cheaters as ‘orphan’. 3. Based on Chinese official census report(not completed), there are 1.4 billion population in China. Game players took one third of them, which means around 0.5 billion Chinese people love games. 4. The organizer and leader of CSTG is a famous Chinese game streamer. He always participates in the Chinese online or offline public game related events, communicate with worldwide famous video game companies, personally dedicated on pushing the game culture’s development and propagation. Most of his fans(more than 99.999%) are loyal game players and game lovers. 5. CSTG as a gaming association/company has been founded 4 years ago, though it’s in its earlier stage compared to other bigger association. I want to emphasize here: CSTG has long-term gaming experience as well as initial beta testing experience in all kinds of famous online game. In the ATLAS department of CSTG we have 1 person directly supervise the whole association, and 7 others directing sub-divisions. We have more than 10 tribes, total population more than 800. We can also mobilize at least 200 people in a small encounter combat. With such large association, do you think CSTG needs cheating to prevail? And who would believe that our association will use such dirty and despicable means to sabotage a fair gaming environment we cherish the most? Lastly, we as Chinese game players are strongly oppose and combating with those cheaters. We hope to build a benign, favorable, balanced, happy gaming environment with gamers around the world. Please trust our faith and determination if you are a true gamer too!!!!!!
  3. 我到国外网站都是用翻译软件进行翻译的,SO我在这里也只使用中文,想理解内容的朋友自行翻译 在这里我想说明几点: 1,在中国,游戏爱好者非常非常非常............多 2,在中国,真正的游戏爱好者是坚决反对在进行游戏时使用不正当手段破坏游戏平衡的(PS:就是所谓的外挂或作弊系统),在这点上,我们与世界任何一个角落的真正的玩家是站在一起的,请相信我而且我会对我说的话负责,中国国内的绝大多数玩家是强烈反对和抵制使用作弊手段去进行游戏的(PS:!。在中国经常有些新闻会报道有人遭到莫名袭击,袭击者就是玩家,而被袭击者就是使用外挂的狗,我们称之为没有家人和教养的孩子,简称:孤儿。 3,据2017年中国官方不完全统计,中国有接近14亿人口,游戏玩家超过3分之1,也就是说有接近5亿的人是热爱游戏的。 4,CSTG的组织者与领导者是一名中国的知名主播,经常参与中国国内线上和线下的大型的公开的活动,与世界各大知名游戏厂商也经常沟通和交流,他本人致力于推动游戏文化的良好发展和良性宣传,其喜爱他的人绝大多数是真正热爱游戏的忠实游戏玩家与游戏爱好者。 5,CSTG公会创立已有4年之久,虽然对一些知名的大型公会还属于初级阶段,但我想说明一下,在ATLAS里其公会组织有1人直接管理全部公会成员,7人管理分散团体,在各大世界知名的游戏里都有参与过游戏的初期测试和进行超长时间的游戏体验。其中,在ATLAS,联盟部落超过10个,总人数超过800人,小规模战斗至少200人全方位的协同作战。如此庞大的公会,有谁会觉得CSTG需要作弊手段去进行游戏吗?又有谁会相信,一个如此庞大的组织会用肮脏的,卑鄙的,下流的手段去破坏一个非常喜欢的游戏环境呢??? 最后一点,我们中国玩家是坚决反对以及坚决抵抗那些在任何游戏里用作弊手段进行游戏的玩家,我们中国玩家希望更愿意与世界玩家携手共同建立起一个良好的,良性的,平衡的,快乐的游戏环境,请世界各国热爱游戏的玩家相信我们的信心,决心!!!!!!
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