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About Shiro12

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  1. even the devs have realized this flaw and are working to fix it not the upkeep way but the more flags you own the faster an enemy can take the flag it might be a step in the right direction
  2. Nobody ever said anything about having our land taken we are saying the current implementation of the land claiming system is flawed flags cost nothing and cost no upkeep we are discussing a solution not whining and as for merry and love each other go play rust and tell me if anyone is merry and loves each other. that is the system we are asking to be implemented that would only increase PVP not decrease it as for PVE you have NO option. and as for whining can't people have a discussion about possibly improving a game without someone calling another a name?
  3. I can't see any private servers unless someone implements a donation kind of thing which I have seen in ark but the initial cost would be ridiculous as the current map consists of 225 servers so ya pretty out of reach indeed. I hate to say it but id be happy with the center kind of map with this stuff but that probably a long lost dream until this game is able to be modded
  4. They didn't learn from ark or this wouldn't be the case remember the servers that were literally full of 1 tribe lol its the same thing here lol just bigger tribes. Sad thing about it though is even if they put a company member limit people would just ally up lol so this is the only way we can slow down mega tribes and give the smaller tribes a chance rust being a prime example as there are mega zergs on there too but you don't see them taking over huge parts of the map because of the upkeep system. yes they have pretty huge bases but not a whole map lol
  5. Ya population will either die or go off in the direction of 2-4 mega tribes but hey I Wouldnt mind seeing a one piece scenario but maybe a separate server for that lol as right now the game is rough no matter how you come at it unless its with 30+ players
  6. set a pvp clause to where the owner of the land can only raid if the company renting the area doesn't pay the amount, or attacks the owning companies animals structures etc... as to prevent abuse on either side
  7. I agree with this sounds like the good old rust toolbox thing works very well in keeping servers clean as well but with how things are now gold seems useless and out of place so I make this counter proposal make the claim flags cost gold along with the other resources (increasingly as you put it for each flag) as to make the company go and search for the treasure chest or fight the ghost ships. OR make the whole island claimable and limit it to 1 island per company and incentivize the company to let people live on said island by having a monthly/weekly gold tax and if they don't pay the buildings in the claimed zone for their flag decays like in the starter areas ( keeping the claim flag to 1 this also allows the owning tribe to build anywhere in their own claim) also make the islands when you claim them cost gold (and a certain amount afterwards so if the company goes and quits another can buy) idk how much but seems like a good use and investment seems you will essentially be getting rent. if gold would become the cornerstone of the game I could see it becoming a game for all types as not every land has all resources so I could see trading becoming prevalent. and why not make gold the centrepiece it is a pirate game after all. to pay tax you would put in the flag and it would pay overtime at the rate set the flag can only be accessed by the members that set the flag and the gold will be transferred to the owner's flag. not sure on if to make flags destroyable unless the province was declared war upon then I could see that. Idk man just spitballing here and I'm sure you could improve upon my idea as well seems like a smart dude But man I would take anything over the current system
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