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Everything posted by Skipias

  1. Mechanics question: Should items destroyed on a ship give back resources? Do they go into the resource chest on the boat when they are nuked? Is the resource return negated when you are in combat? If anyone else has done testing or can weigh in I would very much appreciate it.
  2. While I don't disagree, a simple check of your surroundings first would also handle this. Edit: I am only saying I would prefer dev time being put toward things that the player can not circumvent with their own skills. Then we can go get the things we can already prevent ourselves.
  3. We made that mistake with a sloop, it was costly but it also taught us to check the water depth where we are going. I see no reason why they should divert dev time away from character wipes, ghost ships being thicker than nazi subs, and terrain glitches to fix something we can all prevent by properly surveying our build site first. End game, yes maybe fix this. But for now I take umbridge with people being mad about dropping their boat on a sandbar. Also, you can repair it before it sinks if you have the foresight to see - There is a sandbar here, I may want to have a repair hammer and an extra hull piece ready. Also, always have extra hull panels. That was our mistake on our last loss.
  4. Here is a video of them wolf packing me: I can see there being packs of them for group encounters, but for a single schooner this was a bit much. We may have been able to escape two of them, not six.
  5. For reference this is how close we encountered the ship from the area border. It can be seen within the first 15 seconds. I hope for there to be encounters like this for fleets of 3-10 ships, but in a solo schooner it would be impossible to take that on. Could a brig or galleon handle something like that? Beginning video: https://plays.tv/video/5c29ee587f4a9849ea/before-the-horror-?from=search&search=skipias
  6. So while the Ship of The Dammed spawns have been fixed there are quite a few roaming around still. We got jumped by a few and are not sure if they were spawns or existing nonsense. I have a video but it is filled with swearing, which I don't apologize for. We had just traveled through about 20 zones over 2 days and when we hit our home territory it was over and above coated with ghost pirates. There was nothing like it in any other zone we went to. Where there only one or two of these things I am pretty sure we could have gotten away, 4-6 on the other hand are a bit much. At least we will have a pretty wreck to dive later. EXPLICIT FOUL PIRATE LANGUAGE (and salty players) you have been warned. https://plays.tv/video/5c29df6136ff81b153/the-horror-
  7. You can log out in your claim and it will count as a player in the claim. This way most clans can save 1-3 flags per person depending on overlap. It allows players to guard their core territory and have some to be claimed elsewhere.
  8. I lost my ninth character today. See last ticket, it went under similar circumstances.
  9. When I spawned back in with a new character it put me at the center of O11, the zone I died in. Upon drowning there I was given the option to pick a freeport to spawn at.
  10. I lost my 8th character to a mystery reset. This time I fast traveled from a bed to another but spawned stuck between two chests on the floor below. I punched the air to get myself down to 5 hp in an attempt to kill myself. Once I realized that my food / water would not get drained because my stamina could not regen while falling I logged out. A tribemate tried to move me and may have killed me with a tool using that bug to try to get me reset. When I joined back in I was met with the character creation prompt. We play on the PVE server so between dying while falling and dying to another player I am not sure which may have triggered it. If I can provide any more info let me know.
  11. The server just reset and the rollback undid this issue. Please close this thread if possible. Keep up the good work guys, 8 characters in and I am still pushing. That's a lot of resets to stomach while still wanting to play the games.
  12. My character file was lost today after I died. This one we had just sailed from one island to another when I was killed by a Lion. Right after the lion killed me the character creation screen opened up. I did not press anything on my side after dying, it just seemed to default to that screen. Time to make character 9, if there is anything I can provide to help troubleshoot this issue let me know. I can submit any logs that may or may not exist, I am extremely willing to help troubleshoot this one : p Character Name: Skipias 8th Location O11 Appleronto Cay
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