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About tailesin

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  1. Lets get some proportionality back into this discussion shall we? (I know I am asking a lot cause this is gaming) Darcek is right about somethings and wrong about others (things he said and did). The Dev's are going to have to do something about the claim system, especially on PvE (which is the subject here). The amount of land being held is mad. Not sure anyone starting out now would even find much if anything to claim. Claiming while someone is sleeping in an area sounds a bit suspect, but I really don't know the mechanic that well to say for sure. If anyone does know please enlighten me. BUT if that is happening with hacking and it shouldn't then it needs clamping down on. Now, the amount of land you was trying to hold Darcek..... 14 claims? There is a problem there and you must see it. I think a 'sensible' idea would be one claim per person (not per clan btw) and maybe an increase if you spend points on it. That way larger clans would have to either stay in smaller areas on a number of servers and use people that hadn't made claims to grab other area's. So sure you got a 40 person crew then you can grab an island but you will need some people with spare claims to hold it. Then a system like the destruction of buildings in lawless. You don't log in to an area for 4 days then your claim can be taken in the usual fashion. I work all week and can still manage to log in twice to hold a claim up. These are all just ideas for PvE (keep that in mind - any PvP people saying this won't work on PvP will get written off as a moron) - However this is not really a solo game. Find a croup, big or small. You really want to run solo then rent or run a server. That way you can do what you like. Also as has been pointed out, this is early access. If you were expecting ANYTHING to work as intended when playing then you are fooling yourself. Hopefully when the server system gets more stable I may put a private server but it seems damn pricey and not very stable as yet (yeah I have run Ark servers along with a couple of other games). A 2x2 (one master and 3 slave servers probably the smallest size worth doing) for 20 people is effectively a 80 slot server and around $80 a month. Now sure I work - I do OK (not great, just OK) and I paid for all the pervious servers myself, but I am really yet to see many people who played on them off much in the way of 'money' to help. More usually it was complaints about anything and everything........... The good old days.
  2. PLace a box next to it/on it and do a transfer? Just a suggestion, not coming from any place of knowledge that it's going to work.......
  3. In my case there didn't appear to be anyone in the area, hiding or otherwise. I had just logged in to find the ship under attack. After the ship destruction it went after the drydock, but with 150,000 hits it took 10,000 damage before a group of players (myself included) took the thing out. There was another ship in the bay that had been destroyed (just visible in the second screenshot on the left) - it was a sloop (one of our guys dove down to try and see if he could salvage anything) so maybe they had tried to make it into the area (out place is on a rocky island in the bay) to get away but was destroyed before that could happen. So maybe it was aggroed anyway?
  4. Yep - same thing happened to me - also with an anchored ship, which was destroyed (not too bothered, more just it's a bug that needs looking into). It was stuck on a Dock and so there was a group of us who killed the ghost ship with axes......... According to the patch notes this shouldn't be happening so it's definitely a bug.
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