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Everything posted by Ransurias

  1. Here's a video I uploaded showcasing the new firearms in action. I can no longer one-shot some predators with my carbine, and one level 27 wolf I engaged earlier took a headshot with both my pistol and carbine without dying, so I had to punch him a couple of times to finish him off.
  2. I'd be tempted to laugh at that if these changes weren't so misery-inducing, pointless, and comically ridiculous. I can't recall a SINGLE person ever complaining that firearms needed to be nerfed against creatures. At this point, I'm still holding out hope that it's simply a bug. How stupid is it that a carbine shot can no longer OHK a measly little scorpion or turtle? Carbines have retained some of their usefulness due to the fact that they can still one-shot most wolves with headshots, but pistols and blunderbusses are in a terrible, terrible spot right now and there's really no point in using them.
  3. Well, aren't fire arrows still really good? Their fire damage DOT was unchanged as I recall, which means they're still insanely powerful.
  4. I don't think that's entirely true -- bows seem to be the same as they were before, so their resistances against firearms specifically must have been buffed. The question is why. Guns didn't need to be nerfed against animals, as many animals were already unrealistically resilient to firearms (bears, for example, could survive shots to the skull because they didn't have headshot multipliers). I'm obviously being speculative here, but if it was the developer's intention to render firearms dramatically less useful in PvE to make them pure PvP implements, I disagree with their concept of game design. It's just plain silly and ridiculous that a little snake or scorpion should be able to survive a pistol or rifle shot.
  5. This wasn't stated in the patch notes, and I truly believe firearms were balanced beforehand (less DPS than bows, but more one-shot potential, and firearms can't be used underwater like bows can). Bit perplexed at the moment.
  6. Your characters won't die of old age, sillyhead. Not for the foreseeable future, anyway. My primary concern is being old and senile by the time I'm at the level cap, which is honestly ridiculous.
  7. Yeah... that kind of nonsense is pretty much the opposite of what I'm looking for.
  8. Well, like I mentioned earlier, I really don't want to be part of a twitch streamer's zergling army. And the idea of having to subscribe to someone's twitch just to get into a company sounds repugnant, ya know?
  9. I've been through several companies thus far, but none of them have really lived up to my initial impressions or facilitated a truly enjoyable gameplay experience. I'm not keen on being a zergling in a massive company, but I'm also bummed out by the large volume of small, mostly dead companies with ~5 players online at any given time and ramshackle bases on Lawless servers. My ideal company would have ~40 - 80 active players on a PvP server, a limited number of obnoxious children who think that getting a headshot on a giant snake with a flintlock is going to get them famous on YouTube, a decent and established base (nothing grand or spectacular), and an overall focus on enjoying what the game has to offer rather than focusing solely on base raiding. It wouldn't kill random people on sight, and it wouldn't go out of its way to sink other ships or grief other players "BeCauSe We CaN, LuL." It would expect players to contribute and do their bit for the greater good, but it wouldn't force people into specific roles and take the game too seriously. I'm the kind of guy who enjoys going on taming runs for exotic animals, doing resource runs for supplies that are scarce in our server, hunting for treasure, leveling up, and making sure the company stays stocked with weapons, armor, and artillery. I do enjoy PvP, but only if I feel like there's a good reason to be attacking or killing a specific group of people -- I don't like it when some airhead hopping into Discord arbitrarily whips everyone into a frenzy because "hey, it's 11 PM, isn't it a great time to raid a NA company that hasn't done anything to us in the next grid over until 4 in the morning?" I haven't been able to find the right company, at least on NA, and I'm starting to lose hope that such a company even exists. The company tool on this website is next to useless, and r/SailTogether isn't much more helpful. I'd be happy to roll an EU character if that's what it takes to find the right group of folks.
  10. How in the world can you get to level 51 in a day? I rolled an EU character recently and I've only managed level 23 over the past 3 days. I've been going on hunting trips with my flintlock, but most animals just don't give that much experience. =/
  11. 'Tis not a great deal of fun to stare at this screen for hours on end. The server has apparently been down since last night, ffs.
  12. Ugh... I hope to God it doesn't take days. We had two elephants on our Schooner and were transporting them back to our base. It'll probably be all gone by the time we're back in.
  13. Having the same issue in N11, and N10 was horrendously laggy while our Schooner was passing through. Please fix!
  14. Loving many of these changes! Fire arrows needed to be toned down, and being able to grief other players by offline raiding their ships with pickaxes and hatchets was frustrating to say the least. This new round of patches is a massive step in the right direction. Thanks a ton!
  15. What does that mean? Surely that doesn't mean what it sounds like -- if projectile damage were reduced to 50 maximum, that'd make rifles and pistols virtually identical (except for reload speed) and essentially make firearms useless. Am I misinterpreting something?
  16. Here's a screenshot for reference. Why are they doing this? What purpose does it serve to spam "1" or "123" into global chat?
  17. Plate and firearms are currently a complete waste of metal. Just run around in hide armor with a bow and fire arrows and laugh as you stomp everything and basically win the game in PvP. This setup allows you to run fast and hit insanely hard, to the point where alphas die within a few fire arrows and players in full plate can be brought to their knees with a single shot. There's zero reason to use any other weapon, ranged or melee, until fire arrows are nerfed. How hasn't this been fixed yet? Fire arrows are unlocked extremely early on, are easy to craft, and bypass armor as though metal plate armor were somehow highly flammable. It makes no sense, and more importantly, it negatively affects gameplay by marginalizing so many weapons and armor types. These things need to be either removed from the game or adjusted so that they have to be used in conjunction with oil jars. As it stands, fire arrows are pretty much the equivalent of a handheld tactical nuke launcher.
  18. Ghost ships are insanely annoying, but they aren't nearly as threatening as they were. There definitely ought to be far less of them around. I wouldn't say they're "killing the game," but it does make sailing extremely tedious. The ridiculous server lag is what's really killing it for me at the moment.
  19. Boars, bears, and elephants are just a few of the numerous animals in this game that appear to have no headshot multiplier, which means that shooting them in the head deals no additional damage. This should be fixed!
  20. I saw four in a single frame earlier today while coming back from a hunting trip on my raft. I nearly ran into one after he magically pivoted on a dime, which would've cost a *ton* of hide for my company. Can't these things be toned down to the point where there's only a handful per grid?
  21. Fire arrows are insanely overpowered against players. Rifles and maces should be the only truly effective weapons against plate armor -- yet in the current game, one fire arrow hit can take out someone wearing plate armor.
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