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About Sunsha

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  1. I have the same problem ! i can not build two wooden wall because i have 5 crocodile , 3,4 wolf , 10 vulture , 1 or 2 lion , 10 snake that respawn around my claim all the time i dead 1min after respawn or i can respawn ....
  2. Hello , It's normal on 10M have 30+ mob agressif (snake crocodile , wolf , lion )?
  3. Sunsha

    Eu Pve

    This guys can try to destroyed my raft
  4. Pff Where are administrator ??? A lot of complaits never reply
  5. REMOVE THE CLAIM IS GOOD IDEA. Because you can take base other player......
  6. we was sinking two raft with this bug.
  7. Augmentez le nombre maximum que votre sloop peut contenir. Par exemple, votre sloop peut porter 3 personnes jusqu'à 4 personnes et le sloop coulera
  8. Many Player can acend to your boat to reach the maximum capacity and your boat go to destroyed.
  9. What to do if we destroy our rafts because we want to own a territory? the members of their tribe climb my raft so that it is too much weight to destroy it and that I can reappear on the island contests
  10. This guys destroyed my raft beacause i need 1 claim
  11. Well I play this game 5day and i don't have claim because all island is claim . this guys don't can't leave claim and if have base on left 2 claim and me 0 ...... Really fix the claim on PvE Serveur
  12. Hello Guys , on Eu PvE serveur all island that i visited is claimed but 8/10 island no construction .....
  13. Sunsha

    Eu Pve

    Hello , Big Spawn on f9 serveur ....
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