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Everything posted by AdriaticWhisper

  1. You must be on a PVE server or private server. Or you were a lucky one and manage to find an island at the very start of the launch on the PVP server. Everywhere I sail, when I was able to sail, and I have sailed many many grids. Everything is locked down it seems. Besides the islands in the super winter zones.. And you just freeze to death there in a matter of minutes.
  2. In the 20 hours I have played this game. Below is my experience. - Dying from being cold. - Dying from the million aggressive animals. - Dying from respawning under the map. - Running around trying to find a space on Lawless island that isn't littered by foundations. - Sailed for maybe 4 of those hours on my raft. - Built maybe 30 rafts, only for them to be completely destroyed when I log back on the next day. This game is not for the solo player. It's seems impossible to get going in this game by yourself. Hell, probably would be hell just for 3 people. HOWEVER. The one thing I need to give probs to the developers on. I have never gotten startled in a video game before until I played Atlas. Just randomly smacking rocks and trees, then all of sudden a wolf comes out of no where and eats me. It makes no sounds when coming after you until it actually attacks you. Okay, it got me once.. No problem. But it just gets me every time.
  3. I feel like these developers are clueless. How hard would it be to make a code that has the Damned ships to ignore the rafts/sloops UNLESS they're attacked by the people on the raft/sloop?
  4. There are 50 million rafts on this lawless island. How long does it take to steal one? lol
  5. If the developers don't hire you, or use your ideas. This game is doomed.
  6. Been sitting here for 30 minutes trying to get my fucking raft out of the freeport. No, can't even do that because there are 1 million rafts just parked at the docks and you can't get your ship out. You either crash into the other rafts or get stuck on the fucking docks. Great game. Great game. Here is an idea. Let me do your job for you, developers. Make it so there is no fucking collision in the freeport docks with other rafts. That way people can actually get out of the port.
  7. I feel like they should ignore Raft/Sloops UNLESS the player attacks them. Raft/Sloops are probably the most common ship for solo/small groups. Please help the solo/small groups out because it's bad enough the game is extremely hard for us to get a foothold in the world already.
  8. How am I toxic because I don't want to spend my entire gaming session gathering resources so a handful of other people don't have to do it and get to enjoy the game fully (Sailing/PVP/Building) I have no issue gathering resources. The issue I have is when that is all the company/group allows me to do and they won't allow me to do anything else. Obviously all groups are not like that and they allow freedom of their ranks, but it's hard finding those type of groups.\ It's like. I spent 4 hours gathering materials to build a large ship. The ship finally gets built and I want to sail around on the ship, but I get pushed aside for the leaders/officers. Like WTF? I'm the one that did majority the work to get the ship build. I should be able to sail around on it.
  9. Sailing. I don't have any friends that play this game. I'm honestly not all that interested in joining a company because I don't want to become a slave doing nothing but gathering resources while the leaders of the company get to do all the fun shit (Sailing/Building/PVP/ECT ECT). So I've just been sailing around to many grids and talking with the folks inside each grid. Before the patch, I was able to sail around for about an hour before I died. Now after the patch, I can sail maybe 1 minute before I drop dead. I have everything in Fortitude and Sturdiness and I either die 30 seconds from being cold, or I die in 1 minute from being hungry. Pretty sad.
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