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Everything posted by Wichtelman

  1. did deck out like 7 rafts at freeport and each time i sail somewhere i lose everything on that raft and it itself to stuff that should not happen... why did i build 7? well after losing my first two rafts i was pissed... not that much about losing it but the time lost sailing to other island im not able to join or build something on... so im stuck at freeport and not able to lvl up more... gues ill just join a big company for some pvp fun and quit the game after that...
  2. lol it happened again with several crocs to a point that im not able to spawn at my rafts bed and all mats worth 1000 of weight +smithy +large storage box probably gone... -_- note: sailed at full speed next to that island and did not want to enter cuz of way toooo many deadly beasts
  3. looks like nowadays they just ignore all feedback similiar games could give and also have still no clue how to deal with massive amounts of players on their servers... that happens not just with this game...
  4. ha got away after 30 min cuz one attack threw me off the raft and just the second killed me... that way i was able to get the tigers crocs and wolfs away from my raft...
  5. is it normal that you get attacked by a tiger and multiple wolfs as soon as you arrive on an island? you are still on your raft with some space to the beach but you have no way to escape cuz after each respawn you die instantly... sooo should i just do it over and over again to rescue my raft and all stored mats on it while waiting the 60 seconds for each attempt or just abandon it... sux if you have to stay at freeport without any chance of lvl up cuz of this...
  6. is this area switching bug fixed or do i have to continue to farm in freeport and build +1000 rafts to strore them?
  7. stuck on an island without wood on one server and on the other server same problem like you... probably have to start at freeport but then you are stuck on lvl 8 cuz there is no way to travel to another area without connection timeout and losing all progress... -_-
  8. well seems like a lot of areas have a shortage of mats... im stuck on one server cuz there is no wood and it would take hours to swim to another island -> death... is it possible to create a new pathfinder on eu or na without deleting the progress of other region to maybe get to another island or freeport?
  9. started to sail into another area twice with a fully mats decked out raft and lost all my stuff both times cuz game crashed as i switched server and i could not rejoin... now im building multiple rafts in freeport and deck them out... -_- by the way if you spawn on an island without wood is it possible to create a new pathfinder on that server and mode to switch area or are you forced to play there?
  10. did this several times till i had a raft decked out till it could not hold more mats... started to sail into another area twice and lost all my stuff both times cuz game crashed as i switched server and i could not rejoin... now im building multiple rafts in freeport and deck them out... -_-
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