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Cpt. Peggy Leggy

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Everything posted by Cpt. Peggy Leggy

  1. It's a fucking MMO. Learn how to make friends you damn basement dweller.
  2. Like I said, you can't please everyone. You already have custom servers.
  3. https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/clubs/
  4. This Thread: If you want to play solo go host your own server and play solo. You're not going to get your own land as a solo player on official. You probably won't even get to with a small company without allies, which means making friends and not playing solo. If that is not acceptable to you then find a different game.
  5. Well, I mean, if someone took an axe or pick to a RL wooden boat it would sink pretty quickly. For the games sake, maybe decrease max damage from tools to small planks to maybe 10, medium to 5, and large to 2? Fire arrows should require hitting oil from oil jars to do much damage to the wood unless maybe hitting a sail as I would imagine sails are fairly flammable.
  6. They are listening and watching. They've made a lot of changes already based on feedback. SotD spawn rates to name one, the weight/dodge thing for another, but there have been many.
  7. The problem is that if you're solo, companies probably aren't going to rent to you because the return won't be worth it. You'd be taking up real estate that they could rent to a company of 10 and they'd get far more in taxes from them. Check the recruitment forum, plenty of companies are looking for more
  8. Small tribes will probably end up being able to RENT land from larger tribes, Dynasty does already. The whole tax system via flags makes this really easy actually, and other tribes definitely will rent out too, because a few galleons full of crew are freaking expensive to maintain. Not only that but big tribes are going to HAVE to have fully NPC manned vessels because of the player caps in the sectors. 1 Person having a fullly NPC crewed brig/galleon brings a LOT of firepower with only 1 player and will be better then one requiring real crew due to the number limits in place. We are barely even a few weeks in with nearly no content added yet due to all the optimizations, server, and crash issues being fixed, but I think you people just need to give it time. You need to do more then sail to the first few islands outside of a free port then come here and cry that "all land is taken". There are companies out there willing to let you rent land. Bottom line, STOP CRYING. You scrubs are doing nothing but trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Think outside the box. Politics is going to be a HUGE part of this game.
  9. All this time crying when you could be looking for people to play with instead of being determined to claim an island as a solo player.
  10. Then go back to ark, FFS. This was advertised as a single shard MMO. Or go play on one of the non-official that has rules you like. Or host you own and make your own rules! Just FFS stop crying!
  11. Umm, yeah, you can. Lots of people have and are. You don't need every single cannon slot filled. Sail around your home island and get some levels. That is literally all it takes to level, sailing.
  12. Level the ship. 300 weight per level on the galleon. 30 levels is 9k more weight
  13. Jesus Christ. This game is clearly not for you. Please seek something easier, like Hello Kitty online. Ask for a refund and get out.
  14. Get gold , buy crew, and put them on cannons they will protect your stuff while you're offline or at least make it harder to get raided
  15. Guess you better brush up on your political skills, because that's a big part of this game.
  16. Hey I have a better idea, how about you go host your own servers and make your own rules and then you can have a server with no alliances. and no there aren't alliances out there with thousands of members I'm in dynasty and we don't have over a thousand, we are just shy of 700, try again.
  17. Really? Didn't seem like he was crying? Here's his post: >I drove by sea for about 5 hours. And all are completely occupied ... 1 clan with 6 island ... It would be suitably restricted to the flag. Thank you. For me, the EU Official PvP game is unplayable. Emphasis add. It's "unplayable" because he apparently can't find land to solo play on. That's crying, and so are you.
  18. Yeah, he couldn't find any land not taken to easily claim and keep as a solo player. Guess what? This isn't a solo game. Make friends. Stop crying.
  19. He's a whiner, like you. "Waa i can't solo myself an island on a PVP server waaaa wc plz nerf people who have friends waaaaa"
  20. You're just bad at this point. They aren't that hard to kill. We've gone up against 4 at the same time in our schooner and killed them. Learn how to sail maybe? Get some NPC crew to help with cannons? Like, jesus, how do you lose a galleon to NPC's.
  21. There are also mortars and artillery. bear with cannon here
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