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Rinny Kendrick

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Everything posted by Rinny Kendrick

  1. Proof enough for you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BucktzQBzCw And if after watching you still say they don't cheat then you need to go to specsavers.
  2. Chinese are also ruining the game on EU pvp. They are using aimbots and a hack that allows them to see the location of everyone within render distance. We've lost two islands to these cheaters and although I've reported and was told they would investigate its little comfort while they continue wiping our bases. Many hours down the drain because these people live by the moto 'win by all means necessary' even if that means cheating.
  3. The devs were active enough to restart the pve server I was running around on but cant be active enough to fix a server thats been down for more than 9 hours!
  4. Don't count on it, the last time this happened to me it took 18 hours, the time before it took over 30 and here I am once again stuck on N11 as you are. If the devs gave any care to the players they'd have had someone(s) making sure all servers successfully come up after server restarts but they don't. They make major patches, restart servers and shrug their shoulders to the people that have paid for this game but are unable to play for hours and sometimes days at a time. Restarting a server that is down should be a simple process, but obviously for these guys it isn't.
  5. Stuck too, we entered the region by ship and dced the second we joined it. Not the first time either, last time this happened (last week) it took 18 hours before it was fixed and our ship was destroyed. Shit like this is making traveling undesirable..
  6. Dang, I'm having this problem too. Im in the tropics and my horse is overheating...I fear it will soon die..
  7. I've recently popped out a baby horse and the problem I'm coming across is it is effected by heatwaves. When the temperature becomes hot it starts to lose health.. I dont know what to do to counter this, its indoors but to no help. Any ideas? Edit: When its too hot it has an icon above its head that looks like a desert island.
  8. How about you make it so people cannot sail into a server that is offline so that people don't get stuck for hours on end waiting for someone to come and fix the issue... Or like with the full server borders being red, make offline server borders purple or something so people can see that the coming server isn't online. Its frustrating to go out on what should have been a small exploration mission to gather resources only to get stuck on a downed server for many many hours and risk losing the boat and everything on it..
  9. Yep, came across that problem but i fell through the mesh first losing my monkey tame and all my gear in the process. Was a fun experience...
  10. Please Admins restart this server already so people can enjoy the game! We also sailed onto this server and got kicked off...been well over an hour and nothing has been done... Not the first time being locked out of the game either.. last time it was around 30-odd hours.. Please lets not have it like that again!
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