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Everything posted by Kinghenery

  1. Actually I think the best thing that would fix them, at least a little, would be to make them only attack other ships that can defend themselves. So if a ship has cannons, the NPC will see it as a threat and attack it. Otherwise, it should not attack smaller boats unless they get VERY close or shoot at the ship. It is very slow when you attempt to go against the wind in a ship, but the ghost ship seem to ignore the wind all together
  2. Ghost ship just destroyed my ship too. To get away my only choice was to try to go against the wind because i was in between islands, which isn't really an option. To my surprise the ghost ships CAN GO AGAINST THE WIND. They are ghost after all, so i guess they can defy the laws. They need to get removed from the game or at least keep them in a certain area that you know you should avoid.
  3. Should not be in the game. What is the point of working for days on a boat and base if while ur offline a NPC is just gonna destroy it. Pointless.
  4. And the ship is destroyed.. Is there any way to avoid these ship? To get away i had to go agaist the wind, but i cant really. The ghost ship CAN go against the wind. Thats so stupid
  5. Ghost ship just attacked me and i died on my ship.. im scared to respawn in the same place because i dunno if its trying to destroy my ship or just kill me and i dont want the ship to get destroyed...
  6. I have one to add. How about making the dangerous actions like 'Demolish' take a little longer to happen because it can easily be activated on accident.
  7. This needs to be fixed ASAP. I had a friend join me in the game and he made his first raft with a TON of mats, the raft was overweight at one point. While he was offline i continued playing and out of nowhere his raft just got destroyed. Killing progress while characters are offline only makes players frustrated and less likely to come back to the game.
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