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Everything posted by Bogey

  1. TheBoulder, you just need to get out of the zone, die, and change your home region to complete the work around. After that you shouldn't crash when opening the map (apart from some broken zones)
  2. When I am able to click something, the screen is black. I've been suffering with the issue for days now and now I can bypass it (3 times already) Setup an autoclicker to hit the spot the respawn button would be. It will hit it even when screen is black. New problem I'm working on is how the hell to leave the zone with no map. Also having to build a shipyard with 1000 crocs everywhere.
  3. FYI I died again and used an autoclicker to get back again
  4. I would but I don't see a button to give rep
  5. IM BACK!!! Okay here is how I did it... 1) Lower all settings to min and lowest resolution 2) Log on a different server cluster, create new char there, die. 3) Mark the location of the respawn button with a sticky notw on the monitor 4) Log back into the bugged character. Put your mouse on the mark location and spam click there. Took a couple tries for me.
  6. How did you respawn yourself? Were you clicking around on the black screen or did the map simply not crash you when it came up?
  7. Yup, same issue for me as well. The recent server upgrade eliminated the bug that caused me to be stuck watching water and unable to do anything but now I get this same crash every time. And a couple items to note -- changing machines still causes the crash for this character but logging in with a different steam account on the same machine does not result in the crash... it is isolated to the character and not hardware related.
  8. If they nerf the difficulty of vitamins like you suggest, then cooks have little to no purpose. Let's not do that.
  9. Oh wow, finally someone else that has the same problems as me. I've been stuck unable to do anything for days.
  10. To add details, my characater is Bogey Biggs on NA PVP -- home server is I13. The game also crashes most of the time when trying to log in. When I switch steam accounts and play on another character -- no character isssues, no crashes.
  11. For almost 3 days now I've been stuck dead and logging into the respawn screen -- problem is that respawning to my home region (my only option) results in a screen of water (NOT ACTUALLY RESPAWNED IN THE WATER) followed by a timeout. Changing home server button lets me select a new server but then does nothing (does not change to new server). Delete character button allows prompts me with the warning but then clicking 'yes' does nothing. Every patch that rolls out gets my hopes up but now I'm thinking I have a rare issue...
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