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Sadie Blackhawk

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Everything posted by Sadie Blackhawk

  1. I have toons on private servers too. I honestly don't wanna be max lvl and learn everything within a few hours of playing. I play offiicals to kinda meander my way through things. But this when having to travel several hours a day to get stuff. My tames dying daily so I have to re-tame constantly due to the abundance of alpha critters. Now fun is back to being a job seriously.
  2. This is just gonna send more people to private servers with the higher rate of gathering. I'd love to know how many people are actually on officials and how many of the 24k are on private at this moment. Just gets to a point when there is to much grinding to make stuff.
  3. OMG I nearly spit my coffee everywhere. That shit was funny!
  4. Oh and instead of dealing with the fountain of youth and the near impossible stuff. I just rerolled my character over the weekend. Only lvl 35 rightnow or 36. Tribemates tried to go to the FOY yesterday and they are rerolling now too.
  5. Lol I was upstairs getting more shit to make thatch crap. I seen the death message and saved my rhino. It decided that it didn't like the thatch either and started whacking that
  6. I'd like to say thank you to the devs for costing me an elephant due to this assanine update. Oh yeah. since I couldn't finish my stone walls and have to do a thatch layout.... Yeah that's right mated Alpha horses. My poor woodchipper didn't stand a chance.
  7. Not sure what was changed in last patch. But this is excessive. I'm naked in Tropical zone-L10, with 50 fortitude and watch health drop like crazy everytime one hits. Going inside kinda helps but not before i'm almost dead.
  8. Yeah i'm recouping some of my cost back. It's just the layout in thatch first that's making me grumble.
  9. Buncha people are pissed. Let's hope they pull their heads out of their asses and put a hotfix in and revert. Rightnow I think it would be cheaper to just make another galleon and name it noah's ark for my animals. Oh yeah they sink through those floors too.
  10. Yeah I farmed a bunch too. I had to toss up 50 walls lastnight in a hurry due to an alpha lion, alpha wolf and alpha horse stalking my base. Had no clue this change was coming. I wouldn't have wasted the stone walls or put up the gates lastnight.
  11. My walls are getting torn down. I mean at least I get some of the cost back. I refuse to do a wall of gates. So i'll make a small garage for the rhinos/elephant. Killing me on thatch since now I have to do a thatch layer first. Then go over it with stone so it looks nice and not like a trailer park. I can't leave the fences as they are. It just looks bad.
  12. This is why. I'm having to stack foundations like crazy to try to make a garage now since my Rhino fell through the cliff platform.
  13. 16k total in game. But yeah 9 people in my grid atm.
  14. Oh here is my favorite part of this entire fiasco. I despise the large gates. I honestly wish they'd put in half size large gates. Last time I checked we don't have gigas or brontos in this game. No need for 12 wall high things. But go to make a nice fence to keep the alphas out... The walls don't even go into the ground. It looks horrible. Back to square 1.
  15. Tried to move elephant on to Brigantine in Equatorial Freeport. It vanished.
  16. I finally got it. the lag monster in lawless K8 was pretty horrid. Yes Darcek. I agree Rhinos are horrible. It's my mission tomorrow before the taming xp goes away.
  17. Servers seemed to be desyned. I've tried from all angles and can't feed. knocked one out 3 times now.
  18. Causing Black Screen on occasion. Have to relog to be able to see again. Also the red x on map location is pretty impossible to see at this point in time due to territories being red.
  19. Can we get perches for tamed birds to sit on and be displayed? Would love to have a parrot and crow sitting in my house.
  20. Fireplace and spiked walls please. Oh and standing torches for dock areas.
  21. Then Studio Wildcard never should have put their name behind this. Maybe you forgot what the advertisements said. They grabbed their Ark Fan Base.- To make money off this game. A lot of us are feeling a little slighted by this. Yeah I get its early access. I played Ark from day 1 and dumped 7k+ hours into through the good, bad and the ugly. But when basic mechanics such as armor and weapons aren't working against wildlife. This is a serious quality of life problem. You put tames into game. Then nerf them down. I don't care if its a supplemental part of the game or not. As for hunting treasure. Who the hell can hunt it when you are swarmed as soon as you land on any shoreline. I don't bother with clothes after 300 hours in game. Why should I. Nor do I even craft weapons other then harvesting tools cept a bow and arrows. I claimed land, I built a freaking base, built 15+ ships now and guess what. I try to go explore. I die. Then I die more trying to get my stuff back. https://gematsu.com/2018/12/studio-wildcard-announces-pirate-mmo-atlas-for-pc-xbox-one
  22. I'm not asking to solo the whole game. There is a serious problem with the carnivorous animal populations. Yay for you that needs to have your hand held or maybe you don't leave your 2 story house ever. I went to J10 this morning to sail my ship and EXPLORE. Got tagged by 3 snakes, 1 gator and 3 wolves at the shoreline. About 5 vultures flying around. So me thinking I could run to the nearest rock to get up high to kill some things got tagged before I even made it there. Then spent another hour trying to get my corpse back to watch it despawn with all my shit. Every morning I wake up and kill about 5 wolves/lions from my cliff platform that has a 3 story stone. Along with 2 other cliff platforms. Numbers haven't gone down one bit. I die on my way to my boat. These are all at the shoreline..... Yep so I could build a fence. OH YEAH that requires resources and the ability to travel to get to them. Oh I forgot-just sail to a freeport. So I now spend another 40 mins traveling and loading up at the freeport with wood, stone, thatch and fiber. Then haul it back and unload and build because heaven forbid I harvest anything from my backyard. Oh yeah I would cept there are to many lions and wolves roaming the area. I kill them then alphas like to spawn in there place. So now im contending with alpha wolves, lions, horses.... I'm sorry if I didn't understand that I need a babysitter to do everything in this game 24 hours a day. We are all in our 40's with work, children and spouses. I guess I just won't log in till my adult babysitters can supervise while I go sail around and do one of the key points of this game-EXPLORATION.
  23. I think I just miss the days of everquest 2 when the devs actually played alongside us normal people. They could see first hand whats going on. It feels like sucha disconnect between everything on official servers. I mean at the going rate i'm wondering if there is gonna be anyone around for the legacy system. This game has left a pretty bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths.
  24. Are you guys ever gonna balance these out. Wearing metal armor and metal weapons are useless. I try to explore. Get the xp and then proceed to die. Then die about 30 more times trying to do a corpse run. I've watched elephants and rhinos die to a solitary wolf, snake or vulture. It's getting harder to log in everyday since exploration is kinda pointless. taming is pretty much pointless. I've played the game. got land, got a base built. built ships, watched ships get sunk by other people griefing. Takes 2 carbine shots to kill a single wolf. When im getting tagged by snakes, wolves, crocodiles and vultures all at the same time. It's a bit much and the reload isn't fast enough. Then you have the pointless lvl 200 alphas... Yeah so I can waste 200 arrows to kill it just to have another spawn in its place.
  25. My advice. Either live in lawless. It's a lot less headaches and still get most of the game. Downside is huge lag and you have to keep a bed on a raft. But you only have to log in every few days for upkeep. Or go randomly dump a buncha claim flags around till you can get some territory. With the old/new flags not sure if it will ever get straightened out. It's supposed to be working that if someone hasn't logged in for an x amount of time you can take their territory. I don't think its working as intended due to old flags.
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