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Sadie Blackhawk

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Everything posted by Sadie Blackhawk

  1. What we have noticed. I myself can't find my private server from 2 different hosts. I could search and search. Nothing comes up. Other people can find it but when they load in its tossing them to other people's servers. For some of us-Direct Connect through steam works. I can always see my servers up in there. Server hosts are Gportal, Survival Servers. Even tried setting up a server on a box but yet couldn't find that either. Had to go through IP address. Not even the person setting up the box could find it. Whats going on with this? For years i've ran private servers and never had issues finding what I set up. It's not like these servers are costing $10/month. Out of 10+ people only 3 can actually find it in the current search format.
  2. So since ya'll have changed the point system so drastically. Why not do like what your predecessors did in Everquest and World of Warcraft. Set up a marketplace area in the lawless lands so people can buy/trade goods through an NPC merchant. I'd say the towns- but you made it so that ships sink rather fast if people need to log out for real life reasons or the internet goes out. You've made the ability to get gold and also players can setup a system for what resources they are looking for. This helps the small clans/solo players thrive in the community also. Anything that can be harvested or crafted can be sold on it.
  3. If the devs do play they are on a private server that's all cushy and nice. They might jump in with the streamers but again. How many are on that server. 100 people for the entire map? They aren't contending with the real game problems.
  4. Since this game isn't for small companies/solo play. Can we get an ark expansion pack/map that gives us this? Can't say I've got to experience any of the taming...or building of anything. But the concept was a great idea. Played plenty of MMO's never have I seen such a catastrophe as this one. I get that we can't put the aging/breeding system on ark. I'd gladly shell out another $25 for an ark expansion that enables the pirate life, small towns, true PVE, put in the 1 claim block per person like they have with 7 days to die. I like different resources on different islands. Not that I wanna spend 8 hours of my day traveling to get things.
  5. Yeah i've actually stopped playing already after a few full days of staring at waves for nothing. I probably woulda had land had I not got my raft stuck. Ported back to town to make a new one and then couldn't log back in cause they had issues with the Freeport servers day 2 and 3.
  6. Yeah I got the game cause I thought it was gonna be this fantastical PVE experience of going to other peoples islands and visiting their player built towns. trading etc. Turns out PVE is PVP. I was really excited when I seen the claim flag thinking wow they finally did it. No more foundation or pillaring. I was sooooo wrong.
  7. Well my question now is this after reading the patch notes. v6.5 Can no longer claim unallied boats on PVE servers. PVE Territory can only be claimed if the owner has not been active around the territory within the last 3 days. So is this a pretty much big screw you to all the people who couldn't log in due to being stuck in the freeport zone day 2 and 3 after release? Because I spent 15 hours looking and seen very large islands taken over by a single clan of Chinese players. From my understanding if someone is in the zone the claim will not be contested.
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