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Everything posted by Skyhighjinks

  1. Wait so maybe it only works on your own claimed land cause theyre just standing around like retards in a freeport
  2. @artaherduron They have the resources, a hammer etc... But I want to log off and for them to repair it when needed...
  3. How do I make them repair stuff then?
  4. @artaherduron How do you get your Crew members to work?
  5. So I got 2 AI Crew members, got them their resource and feeding place, and now they just stand around when the ship they are on is half damaged... Resouces are in the box and whenever I try to enable "wondering" they just wave at us and the wondering is disbaled...
  6. Yea, we are going to lose our Galleon, as me and my friend have been grinding so hard all night for it as we have 2 days until its Demo ready. Our 3 other guys are busy and need sleep, but they're the only people in the company now, and I was the leader so Im like wtf happened...
  7. Logged on after crash, all members out of company, locked in base, cant access shipyard etc.. (with a half built Galleon) on EU PvP -- Kinda BS ngl, everyone else is in their Companies.
  8. LIKE BOI, we have a half built fucking Galleon, come on this morning to finish it and guess fucking what. you have to be level fucking 70 to do it... So now I have wasted a fucking day, got a half build fucking galleon and now for the next 2 weeks all I'm gonna see if a half built Galleon until I respec into JUST the galleon at level fucking 70. What a fucking joke.
  9. I cant spawn at my bed in my raft? I have been sailing for a good 4 hours but now cant spawn on my bed that I've spawned on alot?
  10. Skyhighjinks


    The wind while sailing seems to be static and doesn't move / change?
  11. Tried looking for the server I was on after updating, and neither Offical or Unofficial are showing up for me...?
  12. Skyhighjinks


    1) Sailing is very laggy 2) When crossing to another shard, my game crashed, and now whenever I try to spawn I instantly die, if its on the raft or if its on the island, either way I instantly die.
  13. Skyhighjinks


    1) Sailing is very laggy 2) When crossing to another shard, my game crashed, and now whenever I try to spawn I instantly die, if its on the raft or if its on the island, either way I instantly die.
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