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Everything posted by Balmung88

  1. It is a constant problem for a lot of people that the company is neglecting to even acknowledge here or on their twitter feed. I have made multiple attempts to contact someone about it to get it pushed to the devs but nothing. dont expect it to be fixed anytime soon especially since they cant even optimize a game properly and had to copy and paste 99% of ARK code to even make this game. pretty pathetic when a company has to clone their own game that hasnt been optimized in like 4 years and reskin it in a pirate theme to try and make money after being sued for trying to squeeze money out of players resulting in a lawsuit.
  2. This has been an issue for my crew for the past 12-15 hours, ever since we travelled to a new area. had issues so we logged off thinking no big deal, wake up try and login same issues, wait a bit same thing non fucking stop. just shows how greedy this company is, too busy counting their money like they did with ark wouldnt surprise me if it ended up in them being hit with ANOTHER class action lawsuit for whatever reason. my suggestion on fixing this issue uninstall and get a refund.
  3. same thing happened to my crew going from A9 to A8, I havent been able to log back in for almost 24 hours now, im still getting the "you are travelling to a new server" time out message. I wonder when these greedy assholes are going to do something instead of count their money before they get sued again like they did for the Ark Extinction DLC....
  4. So after getting a sloop and making the trek across the ocean my crew and I were forcefully disconnected during the travelling to A8 green loading screen. After being disconnected we have constantly tried to reconnect with only one of us being able to log into their account, we are currently constantly getting a time out message upon login attempt to ANY map grid stating that we are currently travelling to another server and to try again later. I would like to know if there is a fix for this or if we are going to be perpetually stuck in load limbo....
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