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Everything posted by DrunkMunki

  1. thought i might update this for people using google search (how i found this) had a few people have this issue, and isolated it to ITEMS on the ship; Steps to possibly fix it; A) wait 15mins-1hr and try B) remove all storage on the ship (except cannons) C) get 1 player to swim to the next grid, die and respawn on the ship and try
  2. thought i might update this for people using google search (how i found this) had a few people have this issue, and isolated it to ITEMS on the ship; Steps to possibly fix it; A) wait 15mins-1hr and try B) remove all storage on the ship (except cannons) C) get 1 player to swim to the next grid, die and respawn on the ship and try
  3. thought i might update this for people using google search (how i found this) had a few people have this issue, and isolated it to ITEMS on the ship; Steps to possibly fix it; A) wait 15mins-1hr and try B) remove all storage on the ship (except cannons) C) get 1 player to swim to the next grid, die and respawn on the ship and try
  4. i was able to get Redis and install it as a service at https://github.com/MicrosoftArchive/redis/releases using the MSI
  5. i cant seem to get the redis server working? F:\Atlas\AtlasTools\RedisDatabase>redis-server.exe redis.conf [3788] 24 Dec 20:40:00.832 # Creating Server TCP listening socket *:6379: listen : Unknown error any ideas?
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