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Everything posted by maccreeene

  1. Will it be neccessary to (re)download the entire game when the update will be here or just some giga ? ( because i have a very bad connection )
  2. I'm the only one in 7.32 build ? I see all the servers in 7.9 I can't connect to PVE EU server
  3. One tricks work for me When that happen , close your steam , restart your computer . Use Join Atlas . That work 2 times for me
  4. I'm dead and i can't respawn . I only can create a new pathfinder . Someone can help me ? I tryed to disconnect / Reconnect many time and nothing happen , i can just create new pathinder
  5. Hi , I don't understand flag system and where i'm supposed put it in PVE , in can't in freeport and i cant i Lawless Region . I need claimed territory to respawn in my bed . Someone can help me ?
  6. DUDE THAT WORK !!!!!!!! i' try 5 time and finally the map appear and i can select a respawn area Thks dude
  7. I'm on the screen to create but i still not create . I'm on the good grid . That happen 3 time today . I'm still the guild leader , i don't understand .
  8. Thks bro but that didn't work for me , need to create a new pathinder to enter in the server.
  9. How can i recover my character ? What is your solution ?
  10. Today my characters was deleted 3 times . I'm in freeport , dying in water (lvl 7) and i can't do anything execpt create new pathinder .
  11. https://steamcommunity.com/id/maccreene/ Same here can't connect to EU PVP Server , please delete my character .
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