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Everything posted by Cspencer650

  1. I have been seeing this same error message since the game has been released. I have tried about 3/4th of what you said. Same end result. Sadly though I'm unable to get a refund because i have spent more than 2 hours playing the game. (Looking at the server list.) I have been very frustrated that they haven't fixed this problem. But sadly i deploy in less than a week and will have to see if they fix this problem in 9 months. Hope they do for all your sake.
  2. Everyone still having this problem in patch 6.7??
  3. What irritates me, is they are fixing things in the game instead of trying to help people who have paid for there product and can't even use it. I honestly have wasted 25 bucks for a product i can't even use. Not saying 25 bucks made me broke. But is the principle.
  4. Still same problem even with 6.2....I'm just gonna play this game in 2020 i guess. LoL
  5. This is the website. It happens when you can't even start up Conan because it can't connect you to there server. https://support.codefusion.technology/conanexiles_wkt53dl/?l=english&r=PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz48cmVxIHZlcnNpb249IjEiIGRidj0iMiI%2BPGlkPjQ0MDkwMDwvaWQ%2BPHN0PjA4MDExMEE0OUZDMkNDMEUxODAwMjA0MDJBNzA4QTYxQTY4QkNDOUU0RTg1RDEzNDI5Mjc0NDYwQzhGQTFBMkFCQTk2Q0ExQjczMzVBNjgwMzFCRTJBQzkzRDAyNEZFRUZBNzg4QjlBNTg5NEZDN0E4N0I0RkRCN0E1Q0Q4MTU1QkQ3QUEwRkFGNDQ1MDAzQzU1Q0M3MzU0OTBGREUxNTg3QjRCREM2RDdBMzE1RjgzNDFGNjk5NzlBRTE5MUMwM0FEREMxMkM0MkJEREYwNTg0Q0U1N0Y1QUZFQkYyODVDM0IwODYxMUFEODNGMDU4RUNENkYwNEQ0NkNERTwvc3Q%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%3D%3D&ctx=89d0b0ea-b9ec-4f77-93f8-6c774c23589d
  6. Yes, this error isn't just on official. I can't even join unofficial serves. I had the same problem with Conan and they made me just do a clipboard copy and paste thing and it worked.
  7. I understand there are a lot of people complaining about in game stuff. But can you please fix the connection timeout? There are a lot of people who spent 25 bucks and can't even play the game yet. I have validated my files and tried other means to fix it myself but nothing has worked. Can we get people in the game who actually paid for it before fixing minor/inconveniencing glitches that are happening in the game. The game has been out for 3 days now and i feel like I have wasted my money and can't even refund now because i have spent over 2 hours in the home screen just trying to play.Thanks for everything you guys are doing.
  8. Same problem. Bump to get fixed!
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